Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#16 by Ahau » 14 Nov 2013, 20:37

As I understand it, Hamza's printer refused to print a test page even though it was recognized by the system. Hplip is scripted to print a file that sits at a hard-coded path for its test page. That file is a gzipped file (.gz), and my module cleanup script finds and decompresses all .gz files so they'll be compressed through xz compression instead. I've modified my script so that it leaves the test page zipped, and that should allow the printer test page to work properly.

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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#17 by donald » 15 Nov 2013, 18:27

Is this Firewall-level misbehavior fixed?.That would be nice.
(I'm not up to date, still using 2.0)
What I mean is this:
I choose "block all" and after a new/reboot it's set back to "strict".
(with "save changes", and iptables -L -v confirmed the difference)

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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#18 by tome » 19 Nov 2013, 09:01

Guest account (password: guest) on forum, everyone who want write something once a long time could do it without own account or without password remember. If this would be bad idea guest account should be deleted. It would be like blog than everyone can comment.

How many files (size) of Porteus (base) is the same for both arch? 3% ? Maybe should be these files (icons, config files) in another module with noarch suffix.

Option to install (pkgtool) next to build module in Porteus Package Manager.

Default guest account in Porteus without password (press Enter key).

Mounting (mount and httpfs2) modules, iso images and dat containers without password (guest) if mount folder has correct permissions (or one folder that guest can mount in it) and mounting several files in folders that names are names of mounted files (eventually loop1, loop2 ...). Adding default action for iso images and dat containers in file mangers - mount. Replace confirmation that something is mounted or unmounted with notification (1-2 seconds like for xactivate script) - sometimes it's not truth (better is empty file in loop with name "test - nothing mounted"). Now there is no way for guest to open Porteus packages in contrast to packages from other distros.

Replace dd in make-changes and mkfileswap scripts with fallocate (any test at start - if it isn't possible to create container with fallocate then should be dd used)

Move /usr/share/applications/filefinder.desktop from xfce module to xorg.

There is changes-exit.conf and can be used "!" for exceptions but maybe could be used also "~" for always saved folders or files (even if you shutdown and press any key). And maybe like changes-exit.conf should be changes.conf for omitting if changes= cheatcode is used without EXIT:.

Add this entry to porteus.cfg

Code: Select all

MENU LABEL Midnight Commander
KERNEL vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=initrd.xz 3 cliexec=mc noload=2;3;4;5;6;7;8
    Midnight Commander is a console
    file manager with two panels
New script for setup language that doesn't download translations for all languages but only for one.

New live folder "0" in /mnt/live/memory/images. Everything in this folder should be inserted to /. It would be easier test something and build new module (now it can be used .dat.xzm module)

Replacing Firefox from Slackware with newer package from mozilla site that can be updated (maybe esr version - less changes) and flashplayer in separate module.
I don't know if I have good wishes those someone will use, but these are only ideas of wishes. :beer:
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#19 by Slaxmax » 19 Nov 2013, 19:04

Tuxonice (hibernate kernel function)
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#20 by francois » 20 Nov 2013, 20:43

Option to install (pkgtool) next to build module in Porteus Package Manager.
Very good idea, but also providing uninstall option. This would spare conversion into xzm that could be time consuming on small boxes.
Default guest account in Porteus without password (press Enter key).
Isn't there a cheatcode for that? In grub entry, login=guest
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#21 by tome » 20 Nov 2013, 22:26

yes, but if you logout any user you need username and (or not - my suggestion) password. Moreover
Enter key is always the same for any keyboard layout.
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#22 by francois » 21 Nov 2013, 05:49

I would like big fat gnome. :good:
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#23 by claude » 21 Nov 2013, 18:42

brokenman wrote:Could you please include SSL capability in claws mail client in MATE?
Yes I can do this.
Thanks!! I'm looking forward to it!! :Bravo: :Bravo: :Bravo:

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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#24 by wread » 22 Nov 2013, 11:36

A Desktop Cube Animation in KDE4 working again :)
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#25 by Axel » 23 Nov 2013, 17:02

fanthom wrote:As you probably know Porteus-3.0 is approaching (Slackware-14.1 was released few days ago) and it's also Christmas time so if you have any special wish regarding new release please post it here.
It could be anything (ofc request like 'please change KDE4 maintainer' will be rejected) so please tell us what would you like to change/improve/add/remove in the the next release.
  • Support for multimedia plugins in Gecko browsers (SeaMonkey, Firefox, FirefoxESR...)

  • Support for .7z and others (.ace, zipx, etc) compress files. File Roller/Archive Manager can not open this kind of files. Image
    PeaZip supports 150+ file formats (.ace, .7z, Zipx ... etc). BTW there are a PeaZip-Portable version for GNU/Linux.


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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#26 by sams » 24 Nov 2013, 22:00

My wish is for a working google-earth module. I have one that works with Porteus 1.2 but nothing since. It's hard to know if the problem is with the 32 bit compat libraries or kernel or nvidia incompatibilities or whatever, but since I've seen howto's for current slackware I think the problem is my inability to resolve all 32 bit dependencies. It _should_ work but I haven't been able to make Porteus do this with current versions for a couple years.

I could use some insight from porteus devs or experts on how dependencies are supposed to be sleuthed out. I have no problems with the core functionality of current porteus (2.1) but for whatever reason have had less success recreating the modules that I have been using with porteus from the pre 1.0 days, specifically I couldn't make an emacs module nor pyQT ( besides googleearth).

My other beef with porteus 2.1's KDE is that the window management menus (ie alt-F3) changed so you can't size or move windows with a simple keyboard sequence anymore (altF3-s or altF3-m). These functions were moved to a separate submenu without key equivs, this really slows down keyboard based window mgmt and workflow that has worked perfectly since win3(!). I know this isn't porteus specific but it's frustrating to see KDE break stuff that has worked well for decades.

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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#27 by wread » 25 Nov 2013, 01:48

I had the same trouble with google-earth and Porteus-2.1....GE crashed...

Fanthom explained me, that some libraries contained in GE were also present in Porteus-2.1, that is duplicated libraries, yes, but the Porteus ones are newer, more advanced.

So I extracted google-earth-6.0.1-i486-wread.xzm in /optional and tested which libararies of GE were present also in /usr/lib. Then I deleted all duplicated libraries in GE and repacked the module, moved it back to /modules again, activated it and it worked.

I did it for my 32 bits, but I have a 64-bit machine at the uni and I use this modified module with the compatibility libraries and it works as well.

If this is too complicated for you you can download my module from here!

Enjoy GE :D
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#28 by tome » 25 Nov 2013, 20:59

@Axel, Archive Manager can open this kind of files - use p7-zip module.
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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#29 by sams » 26 Nov 2013, 04:59

Thanks much for the google-earth tips, makes sense. I have tried your module on my Porteus2.1 x64 system and it launches (so it's better than my module already) but it doesn't render. I believe the problem is mine now because I haven't tested it on stock porteus and my module stack still includes my own mesa module (you didn't mention whether your module alone is sufficient on stock porteus, I will test further)

But I think your tips will make this work for me. And since you mentioned you had to delete incompat redundant libraries from GE, I remember now that I had to do this like 10 years ago to make GE work on Mandrake 9... I'll post again later.


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Re: Christmas wishes for Porteus-3.0

Post#30 by wread » 26 Nov 2013, 12:07

Yup!, my GE works on stock Porteus!

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