Hi All,
Ran in to a module site for porteus but the blueman package I downloaded there did not run. Even went with the suggested deps. No go. So, I built the blueman package with deps from various sources. Most forum links on the subject did not offer great solutions so here I wish to offer a xzm module that has all dependencies inside. I have tested with an old motorola flip phone and was able to access a number of services. You will need to customize blueman for what file manager you are running if you wish to browse files. This varies on FM. Below is a generic script that may help.
fusermount -u ~/bluetooth
obexfs -b $1 ~/bluetooth
your_file_manager ~/bluetooth
If prompted enter "porteus" for both (without quotes).
Milage may vary, tested on Porteus 2.1 LXDE with 3.11.6 custom kernel. Let me know of any major issues. 23.7mb
Blueman for 32 bit
- Black ninja
- Posts: 75
- Joined: 15 May 2011, 16:20
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