Blueman for 32 bit

Post links to your 32-bit module repos here. Repo maintainers are responsible for resolving any issues caused by their xzm's.
Black ninja
Black ninja
Posts: 75
Joined: 15 May 2011, 16:20
Location: denver

Blueman for 32 bit

Post#1 by quotaholic » 09 Nov 2013, 23:53

Hi All,

Ran in to a module site for porteus but the blueman package I downloaded there did not run. Even went with the suggested deps. No go. So, I built the blueman package with deps from various sources. Most forum links on the subject did not offer great solutions so here I wish to offer a xzm module that has all dependencies inside. I have tested with an old motorola flip phone and was able to access a number of services. You will need to customize blueman for what file manager you are running if you wish to browse files. This varies on FM. Below is a generic script that may help.

fusermount -u ~/bluetooth
obexfs -b $1 ~/bluetooth
your_file_manager ~/bluetooth


If prompted enter "porteus" for both (without quotes).

Milage may vary, tested on Porteus 2.1 LXDE with 3.11.6 custom kernel. Let me know of any major issues. 23.7mb
