slax based on debian

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slax based on debian

Post#1 by ralcocer » 24 Oct 2013, 12:25

Live OS by using Debian and Linux Live Kit
Last edited by ralcocer on 25 Oct 2013, 09:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: slax based on debin

Post#2 by fanthom » 24 Oct 2013, 12:43

is KDE4 really that buggy? i find it working pretty well (at least in Porteus). glad to see a competition coming to brokenman and his 'Gnome affair' :)
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Re: Slax based on Debian

Post#3 by wread » 24 Oct 2013, 19:55

In my efforts to get KDE4-32-bits working for Porteus, I did experience some issues with the task bar as Thomas observes in his blog. I started with KDE-4.7.0 from alien's Bob and made it work with a footprint from over 700 MB! (you yourself tested it!).
With every new trial I reduced the number of not-useful widgets more and more, without making any kind of interventions to the task bar; it was kind of a mistery for me. But your ultimate KDE4 seems bo be free of that illnesses, thanks God! You took out the bells and whistles and made it work ok.

IMHO, as long as Slackware will be mantained, Porteus should keep being a Slackware derivative, lightweight, fast and flexible.
Let 's give others the chance to try other distros in live version. If we ight this war in many fronts, we could be the loosers; they say Germany lost the IIWW because the had too many different weapons; Russia had only a standart hand gun, a rifle-like weapon and a big cannon...

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Re: slax based on debian

Post#4 by ralcocer » 25 Oct 2013, 09:42

I think Tomas is after the money and he doesn't care about Slax anymore , from his post he is getting paid to do it, I think Porteus is way ahead of Slax, it is more user frendly , is more cohesive, and should just say is based on a modified set of Linux-Live scripts, Porteus gives a different files output than Slax and is far more advanced than Slax, so I think is time to end the marriage of Porteus to Slax and just focus on Slackware. KDE, It was my favorite but now I use LXDE because my 3D-Printer modules barely make it in a CDROM using LXDE.

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Re: slax based on debian

Post#5 by brokenman » 25 Oct 2013, 22:07

Looks interesting. Hopefully the next cinnamon release is not reliant on gnome because it would probably be the best choice for his situation. I have gnome-3.8 working nicely as a 280Mb ISO but gnome doesn't care about older hardware and it won't run unless the graphics card is up to the challenge. Hopefully cinnamon does not follow this lead.
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Re: slax based on debian

Post#6 by bdheeman » 29 Oct 2013, 15:28

do whatever you want to do with debian, ubuntu and, or archlinux, but please don't call it slax ;)
Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman (
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