Teigha File Converter for Porteus 2.1

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Teigha File Converter for Porteus 2.1

Post#1 by wread » 13 Oct 2013, 13:28

Hi, all!
Here is another production utility to convert drawing files to the different dwg and dxf versions.
Teigha File Converter is a free cross-platform application provided by the ODA to end users only for the conversion of .dwg and .dxf files to/from different versions. The application features a graphical interface and a command-line interface, and accepts the following inputs:

Source directory
Target directory
Input file filter such as *.dwg (default is "*.dwg;*.dxf")
Output version/type
Recurse flag
Audit flag
Upon execution, the application identifies all files in the specified source directory which match the specified filter, then loads and saves each of these files to the specfied output directory as the specified output version/type. If the audit flag is enabled, an audit/repair operation will be applied to each file as it is loaded. If the recurse flag is enabled, subdirectories within the source directory will be processed recursively.
You can download it from here.

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