Firefox weird behaviour

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Firefox weird behaviour

Post#1 by williepabon » 12 Aug 2013, 14:39

I just installed Firefox from the Slackware repo and everything seemed to be working OK, except for this problem. When I login the Porteus forum, I get the information message that I have successfully logged on, but when the system moves me to the forum, I am NOT! Has anybody experienced something like this with Firefox?. The Slackware version installed is 15.0.1-i486.

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Re: Firefox weird behaviour

Post#2 by wread » 13 Aug 2013, 13:33

Are you really using Porteus? Or are you using Ubuntu Linux? How comes you are installing Firefox from Slackware to Porteus? If you can do that -and it is possible, of course- then you are an advanced user.

Why don't you try the easy way? Use Porteus OTB with Firefox and you won't miss it 8)

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Re: Firefox weird behaviour

Post#3 by williepabon » 13 Aug 2013, 23:08

wread wrote:@willipabon
Are you really using Porteus? Or are you using Ubuntu Linux? How comes you are installing Firefox from Slackware to Porteus? If you can do that -and it is possible, of course- then you are an advanced user.


No, I'm not an advanced user. I have a few years experience with Ubuntu Linux. To install Firefox I just used Porteus Package Manager. There I selected the Slackware repo where I found Firefox ver. 15, a .txz file. And Porteus, I found, can install .txz files. Anyway, because of the problems, I uninstalled it. Now, working with Chrome and trying to solve its issues.


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Re: Firefox weird behaviour

Post#4 by wread » 16 Aug 2013, 21:19

Out of The Box 8)
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Re: Firefox weird behaviour

Post#5 by brokenman » 16 Aug 2013, 23:30

That's a very old version of firefox. Please try with the version that ships with Porteus (v21.0) by choosing it when you use the web wizard or downloading the default ISO:
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