[SOLVED] how to load my desktop and bypass login screen?

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Re: how to load my desktop and bypass login screen?

Post#16 by francois » 12 Aug 2013, 23:01

Ahau wrote:@pchan, is there a chance you have another (older) porteus install located on your machine, on a hard drive or cdrom, perhaps?

If not, please try booting into 'always fresh' mode to see if that works, report back here, and in either case, please upload the xpsinfo report as Hamza mentioned, this should help us track down the cause.

Please read carefully the above and report.
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Re: how to load my desktop and bypass login screen? (SOLVED)

Post#17 by pchan » 03 Sep 2013, 12:35

It is working now using grub.

Actually, I use yumi multiboot.
LABEL xfce
MENU LABEL Graphics mode (XFCE)
KERNEL /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=/boot/syslinux/initrd.xz changes=EXIT:/porteus/porteussave.dat login=root
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I am very happy to be able to bypass the password screen now. :Yahoo!:

Porteus is great. I love very much the booting speed and shutdown speed.
I am still wondering how to convert ubuntu deb to porteus .xym modules.

I have not tried the new opera 12.16 yet but there is something not working with the previous opera version for me. With the previous version of opera, my keyboard does not want to input letters into webpages's text boxes for some reason. :(

Anyway, Thanks everyone in porteus ! Hope porteus will grow and grow to become as popular as puppy linux. I love puppy linux but porteus seems to have something special I just don't know how to say it yet.

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Re: how to load my desktop and bypass login screen?

Post#18 by Hamza » 03 Sep 2013, 15:50

Code: Select all

deb2xzm /path/to/file.deb /path/to/file.xzm

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Re: how to load my desktop and bypass login screen? [SOLVED]

Post#19 by pchan » 03 Sep 2013, 17:09


I am going to try that.

Yes, I am enjoying porteus. It is a different experience from using puppy but it is somehow a very pleasant, surprising and refreshing experience that I cannot clearly describe yet.

Still love puppy very much but i must say that I very happy to have found porteus and to have taken the steps to try it.

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Re: [SOLVED] how to load my desktop and bypass login screen?

Post#20 by brokenman » 03 Sep 2013, 23:27

deb2xzm /path/to/file.deb
Should be sufficient. The output will be created automatically.
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Re: [SOLVED] how to load my desktop and bypass login screen?

Post#21 by pchan » 04 Sep 2013, 15:32

Thanks brokenman and Hamza,

Yes, it worked smoothly and i managed to convert ubuntu's deb to xzm (porteus modules).
Really nice idea to activate or deactivate modules. Makes things so much cleaner, logical on the practical side, easier and allows user to have wider options.

Porteus is really setting new bars for fast pendrive computing. Nice also on main hard disk.

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Re: how to load my desktop and bypass login screen?

Post#22 by pchan » 19 Sep 2013, 17:33

Hamza wrote:Please post a full xpsinfo report.
Thanks Hamza for offering to check for me and see what was my problem.

part of the reason why I didn't reply was because I really believed that the problem cannot be with porteus but something to do with my computer. As i later posted that yumi multiboot helped me get what I wanted ie login as root without having to go through the login screen.

Since it worked exactly as how the cheatcode had intended, I didn't bother to persue the matter.

But it is also true that I am blur about what "full xpsinfo report" means.

Even though tweaking the porteus.cfg file the yumi multiboot created worked very well for me, I am aware that there is still a puzzle as to why the normal porteus way of installing syslinux boot loader to the partition (or pendrive) didn't work in my case.

Just like the porteus way of installing, I believe yumi multiboot also created a syslinux bootloader to the partition (or pendrive). I am sometimes curious as to why in my case, yumi worked but the normal porteus way didn't work.

But as i say, I am quite happy that the yumi way is working out for me perfectly so if you want to offer some thoughts, it is also good for satisfying my curiousity as well as for educational purpose. I don't know if it will help others because after going through the forum threads, i seems to be the only one with this problem. And the problem in my case is only regarding the root login cheatcode. Every other thing worked perfectly according to what i feel is a very well written guide by porteus developers.

I must say that I am very impressed with porteus and i can find so many things about porteus that I really like. I pray that one day i will be rich enough to donate a little.

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