[SOLVED] 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

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[SOLVED] 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#1 by surio » 10 Aug 2013, 04:44


First, I do want to say, thank you for all the hard work you people put into this, guys. :)

Now, for the whinging ;)

Downloaded both MATE and KDE editions of 2.1 final from the repo. md5sums are okay.

Burned to USB and ran live:

During boot, both ISOs returned the following errors:

Code: Select all

depmod error could not find file or directory: /lib/modules/3.9.11-porteus : no such file or directory
for two lines.... Then the booting tries to recover with "additional modules found" or some such thing.

Then the screen resultion remains at 640x480, and the porteus login CLI screen comes up. You know, the one that shows the ascii logo, and the usual annoucements about guest and root, along with mc, etc... Something is wrong by now, since usually, by this time my screen is on 1366x768 res. Then the screen goes all fuzzy, I can make out my BIOS "Toshiba logo" screen along with some fuzz....

Then KDE session starts up (even for the MATE iso), and I get a dialogue box that says:

Code: Select all

Title: Removed Sound devices
Text inside dialogue:
KDE detected that one or more internal devices were removed.
Do you want to KDE to permanently forget about them?
Capture: HDA Intel MID
Input             HDA Intel MID: CX20585 Analog (Default Audio device)
Capture: HDA Intel MID
Output           HDA Intel MID: CX20585 Analog (Default Audio device)
By now the machine is completely frozen/unresponsive, and my resolution is a weird cross between 800x600 and 1024x768. Only hard reset saves it.

Tried first two boot options for both isos. same error.

Going to stick with 2.1-RC2 for the moment :)
Last edited by surio on 13 Aug 2013, 15:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#2 by fanthom » 10 Aug 2013, 08:57

two scenarios:
a) you have upgraded /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz but never upgraded /porteus/base/000-kernel.xzm
b) porteus is booting from rc2 partition/folder and not 2.1 final

afaif you have 16 linuxes so i bet it's the second case. please delete rc2 completely and unpack 2.1 final to the place you want it should boot ok.
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#3 by surio » 10 Aug 2013, 11:00

Hi fanthom,
Like I mentioned in the beginning,
Burned to USB and ran live:
So, it was running independently, booted off my USB, as the only OS. :(

I will use some other linux usb creator. and try again....
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#4 by fanthom » 10 Aug 2013, 11:23

a) so there must be rc2 installed on a hd (and linuxrc finds it faster than 2.1 final on usb). you could avoid this by using 'from=UUID:' cheatcode.
b) there is also a chance that your ISO was generated from mixed (old/new) components. did you download it from dl.porteus.org or from the wizard?
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#5 by surio » 10 Aug 2013, 16:52

Hi fanthom,
fanthom wrote:a) so there must be rc2 installed on a hd (and linuxrc finds it faster than 2.1 final on usb). you could avoid this by using 'from=UUID:' cheatcode.
So, to confirm this, I provided

Code: Select all

options in the menu, on two separate occasions. So, I was able to boot into the system (hoorah?). However, clicking FF, opened my FF "session" from my last KDE RC2 login session. So, Ha, it is picking up information from the HDD after all. This was the culprit.

I will format the partition and unpack the iso into the port64 EXT4 partition to avoid all possible confusions.

Given that this might be the last "pure" Qt release :( , I might install Qt as the 32 bit OS to play with :wink: . My thanks to @brokenman (he handles Qt, iirc?). :D

Now, a small observation about all this LABEL:UUID business. Please shed light if you can.

Then tried,

Code: Select all

for the heck of it!
System booted until the CLI login screen (guest as guest, root as toor midnight commander, etc... screen).
Then I got a weird error message:

Code: Select all

INIT: "x1" respawning too quickly, disabling for next 5 mins.
INIT: "x1" respawning too quickly, disabling for next 5 mins.
and went into this loop. No option but to Ctrl+Alt+Del, and reboot.

What's happening here, mate?
fanthom wrote:b) there is also a chance that your ISO was generated from mixed (old/new) components. did you download it from dl.porteus.org or from the wizard?
You'll be pleased to know, that this is not this reason.
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#6 by surio » 11 Aug 2013, 05:44

On another note:

Code: Select all

so there must be rc2 installed on a hd (and linuxrc finds it faster than 2.1 final on usb)
Is this specific to our distro? Because I've used live versions of a distro to chroot to their installed versions to perform debug actions. And in those cases the HDD data from the installed distro, is not pulled in by the live USB.

I would appreciate it if you shared some more knowledge on this topic.

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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#7 by francois » 11 Aug 2013, 10:41

I imagine that you have a save change folder. What have you put as specification in your menu.lst? 8)
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#8 by brokenman » 11 Aug 2013, 13:59

From memory, if you are not using a correct from= cheatcode then porteus will start searching the drive for a porteus folder. If the USB has not had time to settle the hard drive of the machine will be searched and if it find a porteus folder it starts to boot from it. I experienced this once when i forgot about a folder named porteus with some graphics files in it. If you're going to experiment with multiple versions you are best to use direct from= cheat codes. UUID is most accurate.

For example I would put v2.1 in a folder called v2.1 on /mnt/sdb1

- porteus
- boot

blkid /dev/sdb1 # Get the UUID of sdb1


Using this method you will boot faster and without error.
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#9 by surio » 12 Aug 2013, 11:37

Hello both,
Greatly appreciate your replies!

No, mate. The installed version on HDD is on a EXT4 partition, so no need for a container dat file. The 2.1 that I was running from the HDD was running fresh for the first time (from a FAT32 USBdisk)

I totally agree that UUID would be the safest option. But if you scroll up to my earlier post, I used FROM=LABEL:PENDRIVE labels throughout my access of the OS.

But despite this, firefox was not loading fresh, but pulling the session from the disk. See the above reply.

The UUID option actually didn't work for me. I had used the blkid to determine the UUID. But, it flopped. See above.

And, yes, many thanks for the previous Qt 32 bit ISOs. It was a great UX, :)

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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#10 by fanthom » 12 Aug 2013, 20:52

I used FROM=LABEL:PENDRIVE labels throughout my access of the OS.
But despite this, firefox was not loading fresh, but pulling the session from the disk.
you must have miss my advice posted on your other thread:

Code: Select all

2) you should not use the same 'changes=/porteus' cheatcode for both 32/64 bit archs as files will be mixed (first /porteus folder found is used). in your case you must tell exac location of /porteus folder so use 'changes=LABEL:port32/porteus' and 'changes=LABEL:port64/porteus' to keep them separate.
http://forum.porteus.org/viewtopic.php? ... 600#p16567

to make things 100% clear:
if you are using 2+ porteus installation you must provide a full path or LABEL/UUID extensions (to make sure the right partition is used) to every cheatcode which supports this. please refer to /boot/docs/cheatcodes.txt for more info and examples.
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Re: 2.1 Final MATE and KDE 64 bit, depmod error

Post#11 by surio » 13 Aug 2013, 15:51

I think I misread it or missed it. Either way.... ooops!

Okay. I understand now, that this is the way the bootloader works...

It picks the fastest available one and in terms of access, the HDD bus is faster as well as easier to access.

Therefore, it is not just the from= but the changes= as well, that needs editing

Thanks again.
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