Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manager)

Porteus based on Arch with pacman package manager.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#136 by stifiling » 02 May 2014, 04:46

freestyler wrote:Just tried mandelbulber with no luck, I dont think it is checking the AUR repo
if your using 005-extraapps64.xzm yaourt is in this 006-devx+extra64.xzm file, if your just using the default installation and not 005-extraapps64.xzm...then this one 006-devx64.xzm

also if u're using the default xfce desktop install:

Code: Select all

pacman -S --force devx64-xfce30
this is an updated makexzm script...the one in the system/repo doesn't have the updated yaourt tweak.

one last thing...line #34 in /etc/yaourtrc should be changed from:

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Code: Select all

i know it's a lotta steps lol...but if it's working right, i'll put these fixes in the next upload.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#137 by ncmprhnsbl » 02 May 2014, 04:53

just said nearly the same thing..^^
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#138 by stifiling » 02 May 2014, 05:00


not sure if you saw my last message, think i was editing it while u were replying..but did you try directly with yaourt:

Code: Select all

yaourt -S mandelbulber
and see something like this:

Code: Select all

==> Exporting mandelbulber to /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ directory
'/tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/PKGDEST.Mw8/mandelbulber-1.21-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' -> '/var/cache/pacman/pkg/mandelbulber-1.21-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz'

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#139 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 05:05

Sweet, I'll check it out.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#140 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 05:26

how do I install the makexzm package? Ive never used arch before.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#141 by ncmprhnsbl » 02 May 2014, 05:36

okay, i win the dickhead award :D
i didn't uncomment # line 34 , didnt quite notice the whole rc commented :oops:
so yes, makexzm script(+devx) works perfectly for AUR, output as expected.

@freestyler, you mean the tar.gz? extract it to/usr/bin overwrite existing
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#142 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 05:41

Yeah thats what I ended up doing, I thought it was an arch package at first.
"makexzm mandelbulber" didnt work but "yaourtrc mandelbulber" did

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#143 by stifiling » 02 May 2014, 05:54


hey i overlook stuff all the time as we can see lol...shoot i thought the system was stable and ready to go.
So what do you think of that makexzm script? Is it ok? see some areas that needs improvement?


there's another script that goes along w/makexzm...it's called arch2xzm....install makexzm first w/pacman and that will install both scripts:

Code: Select all

pacman -Sy
if you haven't done that yet then:

Code: Select all

pacman -S --force makexzm
(the --force is only there to overwrite the file if it's already there, it's not normally used)

then replace the file /usr/bin/makexzm...with the one in the tar.gz...

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#144 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 06:12

arch2xzm is not working. getting error:

Code: Select all


cp: cannot stat '/root/tmp/*': no such file or directory
creating mandelbulber.xzm
I then created /root/tmp directory and tried again and all it did was delete the folder

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#145 by stifiling » 02 May 2014, 06:22

wth....i totally haven't seen that one...

what exactly are you getting when you do:

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makexzm mandelbulber

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#146 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 06:29

Code: Select all

root@sensei:~# makexzm mandelbulber
mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/home': File exists
:: Saving packages cache
:: Downloading mandelbulber
error: target not found: mandelbulber
Empty cache directory
edit: Im now getting that message with pcmanfm, which worked fine before

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#147 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 06:39

Code: Select all

root@sensei:~# makexzm pcmanfm
mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/home': File exists
:: Saving packages cache
:: Downloading pcmanfm
resolving dependencies...

Packages (1): pcmanfm-1.2.0-1

Total Download Size:   0.23 MiB

:: Proceed with download? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages ...
 pcmanfm-1.2.0-1-x86_64   237.9 KiB   178K/s 00:01 [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [----------------------] 100%
:: Moving packages to /mnt/home/pcmanfm
mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/home': Too many levels of symbolic links
mv: failed to access '/mnt/home/pcmanfm': Too many levels of symbolic links
:: Running script arch2xzm pcmanfm.xzm
/usr/local/sbin/makexzm: line 47: cd: /mnt/home/pcmanfm: Not a directory

cp: cannot stat '/root/tmp/*': No such file or directory
Creating pcmanfm.xzm
Empty directory
Installed pcmanfm to make pcmanfm.xzm module. Would you like to uninstall? [Y/n]yerror: target not found: pcmanfm

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#148 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 06:45

ok, somewhere along the line a symbolic link was created. I deleted the symoblic link /mnt/home and now it works.
Now I tried with geany,

Code: Select all

root@sensei:~# makexzm geany
:: Saving packages cache
resolving dependencies...

Packages (1): geany-1.23.1-1

Total Download Size:   2.56 MiB

:: Proceed with download? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages ...
 geany-1.23.1-1-x86_64      2.6 MiB   155K/s 00:17 [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [----------------------] 100%
:: Moving packages to /mnt/home/geany
:: Running script arch2xzm geany.xzm

Creating geany.xzm
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 4 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on geany.xzm, block size 524288.
[===============================================================|] 241/241 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 524288
	compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
	duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 2810.57 Kbytes (2.74 Mbytes)
	28.97% of uncompressed filesystem size (9700.54 Kbytes)
Inode table size 2660 bytes (2.60 Kbytes)
	21.99% of uncompressed inode table size (12096 bytes)
Directory table size 3152 bytes (3.08 Kbytes)
	35.89% of uncompressed directory table size (8782 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 2
Number of inodes 377
Number of files 237
Number of fragments 15
Number of symbolic links  0
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 140
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
Number of uids 1
	root (0)
Number of gids 1
	root (0)
no xzm is being created

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#149 by stifiling » 02 May 2014, 07:01

i have to fix that broken symlink thing...but the xzm's should create to /mnt/home/modulename.xzm

that's why it failed when /mnt/home was a broken symlink...because the location /mnt/home, is where the 'work' gets done at. /mnt/home is suppose to be a symlink to your 'changes' partition. and if you aren't using a changes folder or file....then the script will make /mnt/home first and do the work there.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#150 by freestyler » 02 May 2014, 07:08

hehehe I was looking in the cache folder. Yup they are there in /mnt/home. Happy days

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