Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

New features which should be implemented in Porteus; suggestions are welcome. All questions or problems with testing releases (alpha, beta, or rc) should go in their relevant thread here, rather than the Bug Reports section.
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#46 by Ahau » 12 Jul 2013, 14:20

@ fanthom, brokenman:

The issue with right-click "create module", at least for LXDE, appears to be that the script is expecting just the name of the folder to be passed as "$1", but in some cases we've been passing the full path. Please test this patch for /opt/porteus-scripts/fmanager/create-module:

Code: Select all

diff -Nur create-module.orig create-module
--- create-module.orig	2013-07-12 06:55:13.153007116 +0000
+++ create-module	2013-07-12 07:05:16.567051777 +0000
@@ -5,9 +5,16 @@
 . /usr/lib/librokenman
 set -x
+#figure out if the filename is passed with a path and set variables accordingly
+if echo $1|grep '/'; then
+  dir=`echo $1|awk -F/ '{print$NF}'`
+  path=${1%/*}
+  dir=${1}
+  path=`pwd`
 script="$(cd "${0%/*}" 2>/dev/null; echo "$PWD"/"${0##*/}")"
 echo "path:$path module:$module dir:$dir" > /tmp/out
@@ -31,4 +38,5 @@
 dir2xzm $path/$dir $path/$module >/tmp/.message
 rm /tmp/.messsage 2>/dev/null
-gtk_message "$module was created." 500 gtk-yes
\ No newline at end of file
+rm /tmp/out
+gtk_message "$module was created." 500 gtk-yes
It may not be the best fix for this, but it's working for me in lxde, xfce, and kde (from RC1 -- all the stuff I have already lying around).
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#47 by Rava » 12 Jul 2013, 16:45

fanthom wrote:@Rava
tested suspend on kde4 and ethernet connection is restored properly after waking up.
could you check on kde4 desktop just to make sure it's not nm-applet related (i use networkmanagement in kde4)?
It is not only after suspend,m but also during the normal workflow, Port being up and running...

I can download the KDE modules manually, I presume, and setup stuff via noload= and load=, yes?
I don't need to create a whole new ISO just for that, right?
Yours Rava

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#48 by fanthom » 12 Jul 2013, 17:47

i dont like that variables are saved in /tmp/out. if building the module breaks for some reason then this file wont be deleted and next run (while performed as guest) wont be successful as guest wont have perms to write to /tmp/out.
maybe we could pass the arguments as $1 $2 $3 etc.. ?

no need to create new ISO. just download xzm of DE you are interested in (i have added them all to /testing/xx/modules).
you could keep all DE's in /optional and use 'load=xfce' or 'load='kde', etc..
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#49 by brokenman » 13 Jul 2013, 01:07

Regarding the context menu, you can probably send the variable %b to the create-module script (from your context menu script) which should solve the problem. In any case this should fix it.

if [ `grep "/" <<<$PWD` ]; then

The /tmp/out looks like my testing file that I didn't remove from the script.
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#50 by brokenman » 13 Jul 2013, 01:56

Since I'm not even sure if KDE, LXDE or XFCE support the %b variable (basename) it would be best to use the code above. I just found that spaceFM interprets this as a bookmark. Will send an updated script.
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#51 by n2prtsusr » 13 Jul 2013, 04:50



using porteus 2.1rc2 lxde

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#52 by fanthom » 13 Jul 2013, 12:20

@saman, wread

if you want to setup system wide proxy then please follow these: ... gs-887977/
if that's not enough (some GUI app may ignore cli settings) then use iptabels as it can redirect all traffic on ip:port of the proxy.

i also cant recreate 'get new decorations' bug.
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#53 by francois » 13 Jul 2013, 12:38

Sorry if this is a repetition of previous demand. As abiword comes standard as word processor, it would be good to have gnumerics as spreadsheet or standard or at least as an option in the ppm manager.

Thanks. :)
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#54 by Ed_P » 13 Jul 2013, 15:00


Xorg failed to start up. Using modesetting driver on second try.
looping when booting Porteus 2.1 rc2 XFCE 32bit in QEMU. Using the Always Fresh mode.

Fatal server error:
no screens found
looping when booting Porteus 2.1 rc2 RazorQT 32bit in QEMU. Using Always Fresh mode. Relates to X.Org X Server 1.12.4.

Code: Select all

..\qemu.0.15.1\qemu-system-x86_64.exe -L ..\qemu.0.15.1\ -cdrom *.iso -localtime -m 576 -soundhw pcspk,sb16,adlib -net nic -net user 

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#55 by fanthom » 13 Jul 2013, 17:00

hi EdP,

please try with '-vga cirrus' or '-vga vmware' flag and let me know if that helped (if not then i'll probably have to package xf86-video-qxl driver for porteus)

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#56 by Saman » 15 Jul 2013, 05:47

francois wrote:Sorry if this is a repetition of previous demand. As abiword comes standard as word processor, it would be good to have gnumerics as spreadsheet or standard or at least as an option in the ppm manager.

Thanks. :)
Well, my request for gnumeric is already denied : :(
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#57 by Saman » 15 Jul 2013, 05:58

wread wrote:@fanthom, @saman

Maybe we can put kcm proxy in rootcopy or make an extra module for those who need it with other browsers. For instance, you can use a proxy with chromium too. Click the button top right (three dashes)>Settings>Show advanced settings...>Change proxy settings...
This is useful in schools and universities, where they block access to many download-sites, so that the students won't overload bandwidth getting large files downloaded. Using a proxy, through a mobile phone, they can access otherwise blocked sites (mostly youtube!).

I will try to make this patch..


PS: I could not reproduce saman's bug at window decorations

As for the bug, It is my systems fault I guess!, I don't know, may be it is because my graphics Card is different than yours? however I tried this and it worked for me (referring my slax 7.08 KDE 32bit KDE settings) :)
KDE system settings > Desktop Effects > Advanced > Composition type: OpenGL (old value) => Xrender & Scale mode: Smooth (old value) => Crisp

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#58 by wread » 15 Jul 2013, 13:46

This could be a bug (not until I try to reproduce it in another machine...):

This happens only when I introduce in the running machine a USB-Stick that is fat formatted; i must reboot the machine with the stick introduced; when it comes up it works ok! (no kidding!)

That happens with 3 different sticks, one is full fat formated and the other 2 have fat partitions to exchange files with non-linux machines. It happens with all three. It is not thaaat bad...., but it shouldn't be. Other file formats bite ok.

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#59 by fanthom » 15 Jul 2013, 16:50

maybe give OpenGL a shot? ... 2011/10/19

seems to be ok here.
please recreate bug first and then post an url to /var/log/dmesg (or dump full system log from 'Porteus System Info')
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC2

Post#60 by Ed_P » 15 Jul 2013, 16:54

fanthom wrote:please try with '-vga cirrus' or '-vga vmware' flag and let me know if that helped (if not then i'll probably have to package xf86-video-qxl driver for porteus)
-vga cirrus didn't help with the 32bit KFCE release but -vga VMware did. But the 32bit RazorQT release still loops.

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