how is pxelinux ?

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how is pxelinux ?

Post#1 by hypomania » 19 Jan 2011, 20:27

what is the function for

how to use web ?


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Re: how is pxelinux ?

Post#2 by fanthom » 20 Jan 2011, 13:54

starts http monkey server (required for PXE boot)
starts dnsmasq (dhcpcd and tftp) servers (required for PXE boot)

you can use them by issuing following commands in console:

now you can launch your favorite browser and type your IP addres in URL field. You should see /porteus folder served by http server.
You can also boot second PC through PXE :)

BTW in 64bit you just need to issue 'pxe-boot' in console for the same effect (Jay - you could import /usr/bin/pxe-boot so we will have the same porteus.cfg syntax)
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