Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

New features which should be implemented in Porteus; suggestions are welcome. All questions or problems with testing releases (alpha, beta, or rc) should go in their relevant thread here, rather than the Bug Reports section.
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#46 by justwantin » 09 Jun 2013, 06:35

It seems I can not append to my previous post.

I just checked out streaming on my desktop and maybe this is an wireless vs wired issue. I can park that wireless netbook right under the modem/router and get the same as above. On the desktop I can view stream on mplayer. Output from desktop run below

Code: Select all

Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Connecting to server[]: 8080...

Cache size set to 320 KBytes
Cache fill:  0.00% (0 bytes)   

libavformat version 54.4.100 (internal)
libavformat file format detected.
[mjpeg @ 0x8bc6800]Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[lavf] stream 0: video (mjpeg), -vid 0
VIDEO:  [MJPG]  800x600  0bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
libavcodec version 54.21.101 (internal)
Selected video codec: [ffmjpeg] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MJPEG)
Audio: no sound
Starting playback...
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
[swscaler @ 0x8cffdc0]using unscaled yuv422p -> yuyv422 special converter
VO: [xv] 800x600 => 800x600 Packed YUY2 
V:   1.0   0/  0  8%  1%  0.0% 0 0 45% 
No bind found for key 'CTRL-c'.
V:   2.7   0/  0  7%  1%  0.0% 0 0 3% 
No bind found for key 'CTRL-c'.
V:   3.8   0/  0  7%  1%  0.0% 0 0 3% 
No bind found for key 'CTRL-c'.
V:   4.1   0/  0  7%  0%  0.0% 0 0 4% 
No bind found for key 'CTRL-c'.
V:  17.5   0/  0  6%  0%  0.0% 0 0 3% 
Cache empty, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min. [performance issue]
V:  20.4   0/  0  6%  0%  0.0% 0 0 6% 

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#47 by neko » 10 Jun 2013, 01:13


1. The library '' is not included.

2. '/etc/xdg/razor/session.conf' has 64bit path

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#48 by francois » 10 Jun 2013, 04:06

Seems like we are on the way to get an outstanding OS. Great work!! :D

My first try was with 64 bit KDE without the wizard. This wizard takes advantage of the modularity of porteus, which is great. Personally I would go for smaller buttons or icons. For one reason or another my line was very slow tonite. I imagine that this has nothing to do with the wizard. Or has it? This is why I finally went for the regular iso, earlier this evening.

For 64 bit KDE, verything works fine out of the box though I did not try my usual module repertoire yet. I am very happy to aknowledge that the dual display is now working.

I just downloaded with the wizard the lxde edition (which is said to come with the openbox menu) and the print pack, my download time was a lot better. I will work with it tomorrow and report.

@brokenman: Do we have to understand that mate gnome DE will not be ready for this porteus 2.1 version? :cry: Or is it just that it does not appear yet in the first version of the wizard (I read that you show as Distribution: Porteus v2.1rc1 gnome).
Prendre son temps, profiter de celui qui passe.

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#49 by neko » 10 Jun 2013, 06:54

I tried to fix
32bit v2.1-rc1 'cheatcode kmap=jp NG'. ... 345#p15345

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#50 by xtudiux » 10 Jun 2013, 07:50


It running fine. though i cant seem to save any changes.evenif the save changes is check.I'll try to fine another usb to test..
It running OK. The networkmanager is working fine.still need my bluetooth manager to work though.


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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#51 by ncmprhnsbl » 10 Jun 2013, 11:10

porteus xfce 64 wizard build 122mb
evolve xfwm theme bug
somehow xorg driver related
with nvidia 319(picture)
with nouveau it works properly
and with ati(different machine)
also reported in VB...presumably vesa...

also, mp3 plugin for audacious(present in v2.0)missing.
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#52 by Ahau » 10 Jun 2013, 15:45


Are you running the same version and desktop environment of Porteus on both boxes? I've recompiled mplayer in lxde/xfce and may have inadvertently left out a dependency somewhere that would be present in an older version or with the KDE desktop. Apart from that, i'm not really sure what might be going on here.


Please boot up with everything set for how you would like to save changes, and then run 'xpsinfo' and upload the report to and post a link here. I'll take a look and see if I can figure out why your changes aren't getting saved.


Your issue with xfwm4 is one I found myself in VBox just before releasing RC1 and I didn't have time to come up with a fix. It's some kind of an issue between one of the frambuffer libraries in the newer xorg-server and xfwm4; the end result is that themes aren't displayed properly if their pixmaps are only 1 pixel wide. Why? I have no clue, but as a workaround, I have manually edited the Evolve xfwm4 theme so that all of the pixmaps are 2 pixels wide. Please add this module and let me know if it resolves the issue: ... emefix.xzm

Regarding audacious and mp3's -- I left the package 'mpg123' out of my build, and as a result the mp3 plugin wasn't built. I've added it in for RC2 so mp3 support should return :)

Also, sorry I didn't reply earlier to your post from June 7th, but am getting to it now:

- yes, unico is probably needed for a number of additional gtk3 themes, but it's apparently not needed for Evolve, so I've removed it from my build.

re: openbox-menu -- I downloaded and installed this earlier today and it appears to do the trick, very nice! The only complaint I have is that everything goes inside an "applications" submenu, but I think it's better to go this route and have a dynamic menu than to stick with a static menu that might require one less mouseover. Perhaps I can find a way to integrate it better as well, so the submenu items appear in the main menu as well...

@saneks --

I think I've found a patch for file-roller that will make the "right click -> extract here" function work, I'll test it out and report back. I've also implemented your requested superkey+letters keyboard shortcuts. Thanks for the recommendation!
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#53 by justwantin » 10 Jun 2013, 19:22

Are you running the same version and desktop environment of Porteus on both boxes? I've recompiled mplayer in lxde/xfce and may have inadvertently left out a dependency somewhere that would be present in an older version or with the KDE desktop. Apart from that, i'm not really sure what might be going on here.
Good question, I had a look and on the salix box I have gst-ffmpeg-o.10.11 installed, not ffmpeg. That must be providing the libavformat used by mplayer. I'm not sure if we can compare apples to apples here and I don't have anything handy ATM to fire up porteus and see whats under the hood.

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#54 by firefoxjet » 11 Jun 2013, 07:47

Where can I find the new compat32-libraries-2.1-x86_64 module?

Thanks and regards.

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#55 by banshee22 » 11 Jun 2013, 08:58

Hi All,

I've noticed that "ifconfig" command hasn't the same response thant in porteus 1.1 (that I used before). In fact, now in result of ifconfig, I've something like :



In the left column of the result.

It's not really a problem but since I've my own dhcp which is parsing ifconfig result, I'm wondering I have to modify my dhcp or if it's better to modify ifconfig ?

what do you think?


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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#56 by ncmprhnsbl » 11 Jun 2013, 14:21

@Ahau, Xfcewm fix works fine. I just noticed the 'default' theme is also affected, on the sides...
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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#57 by jcuk » 11 Jun 2013, 18:35

Thanks for the v2 point release; I may try this out on my home kit from later this week.
Perhaps it will fix the showstopper problems with my two main computers.

BUT - I will need the VirtualBox Drivers modules (!) Can these be packaged please? I already downloaded
the x86_64 isos to try, but there is not much point in doing this unless I can investigate
2.1RC1 for VM use showstopper issues on both of my machines subsequent to v1.2 x86_64

I am primarily a VirtualBox user, with this excellent distro as the Host OS, in RAM.
Nothing beyond the last 3.4.7 kernel version to fix 3.4.4 bugs in v1.2 works properly on my hardware
by default boot into RAMDISK.
( Thanks Fantom - it is a really splendid workhorse)

V2.0 + VirtualBox Issues:
Used mostly on an old Acer T180 Desktop and HP Pavilion DV7 AMD Vision Laptop
Showstopper hangup on the T180 Nvidia display whenever VirtualBox is run and a menu selected.
- ( Screen has crazy colour pattern, totally locked-up ) A regression to when this happened
many versions back - shared video memory corruption?

Absolutely no sound on the HP Pavilion DV7 Host OS - a problem. It works on a subset of
the applications (gnome player) before 2.0. I do need at least partial sound in the Host.
[ But 2.0 was fine running silent VMs, as usual - if quite a bit less efficiently )

I have never succeeded in getting sound operating properly from the DV7 with any VMs, even on the
v1.2 - kernel 3.4.7 variant.

Soon as I get matching VirtualBox Modules ( the stock kernel in 2.1Rc1 was built for this? ) I will
get started doing some basic testing!


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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#58 by justwantin » 11 Jun 2013, 20:54

Are you running the same version and desktop environment of Porteus on both boxes? I've recompiled mplayer in lxde/xfce and may have inadvertently left out a dependency somewhere that would be present in an older version or with the KDE desktop. Apart from that, i'm not really sure what might be going on here.
OK I'd say this is a memory problem and not a porteus rc2.1 problem. With the following command from mjpg-streamer page at the strem displays well with mplayer.

Code: Select all

mplayer -fps 30 -demuxer lavf -cache 256 ""

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#59 by Ahau » 11 Jun 2013, 20:59

Thanks, justwantin! glad you got it working... I was about to try recompiling mplayer with some different options :)

@jcuk I don't think we've put together a Vbox module for 2.1 RC1, but a script is included to build a module, it should be there under system->Vbox builder or something similar. I think I tested that it started up and downloaded sources but didn't have enough time to let it finish compiling.
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Feedback and Bug Reports for Porteus v2.1 RC1

Post#60 by Gooplusplus » 13 Jun 2013, 00:19


I plan to include Porteus KDE 2.1 in a multi-distro collection ( ) but I don't typically like to include Beta and RC versions.

Is there a very rough forecast about when Porteus KDE 2.1 32-bit will go final?

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