Eric4 for Porteus

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Eric4 for Porteus

Post#1 by wread » 27 Apr 2013, 21:16

Hi all!

For those interested in Python-development, you can find here the Eric4-4.5.9 application, an IDE to code and debug in Python. It uses Qt, so it should work ok in Standard Porteus 2.0. Ramón Tavárez and others were very interested in such an IDE. I have not tested it thoroughly, I hope Ramón will do it. Let me know if it is working as it should.

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Re: Eric4 for Porteus

Post#2 by RamonTavarez » 30 Apr 2013, 13:45

@ Wread:

Thanks for the tool. We'll try some codes and give the feedback.

I'm working with NINJA-IDE, but need to include some deps (I'll ask for help for the cmake flies!). I'll post it when ready.

See you around the UNPHU.
Ramón E. Tavárez

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Re: Eric4 for Porteus

Post#3 by wread » 09 May 2013, 02:11

Hi Ramón Tavarez!

I must apologize, but I had some dependencies of Eric4 missed, because they were in another folder. These are:
- PyQt-4 aprox. 2 MB,
-pykde4 aprox. 4 MB and
-sip-4.14 only 172 KB.

Download and put them in same folder with eric4 together and everything should be ok. Just start programming in Python!! Please, let me know if you are up and running now...

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Re: Eric4 for Porteus

Post#4 by RamonTavarez » 09 May 2013, 13:14


Thanks for the modules. Eric is working fine now! :good:

Great job! :Bravo:
Ramón E. Tavárez

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