Download: lxde-theme-0.0.2.tar = 4.4 MB
http://shae.me/wp-content/uploads/2010/ ... 0.2.tar.gz
- Extract the file
Place the folders in “icons” into ~/.icons
Place the folder in “themes” into ~/.themes
Place the images from “images” into a safe location, e.g. ~/Pictures
Use LXAppearance to set the GTK theme to LXDE and the icon theme to Humanity-LXDE
Use Obconf to set the Openbox theme to LXDE
Right click on your current menu icon and set the icon to the menuicon.png that you saved in step 4
Modify your panel properties to set the background to panelbg.png that you saved in step 4
Reboot to fully appreciate the changes
this theme content 'Humanity-LXDE icons' which smaller than Tango icons in size and better in the appearance .
I hope will configure this theme and icons for new version of lxde in porteus-v1-x86 and porteus-v1-x86_64.
thank you