How do I know if I am in porteus 2.0 and not in 2.0 rc

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How do I know if I am in porteus 2.0 and not in 2.0 rc

Post#1 by francois » 04 Apr 2013, 00:05

I am getting mixed up with all these porteus verions on my linux boxes.

How do I know if I am in porteus 2.0 and not in 2.0 rc?

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root@porteus:/# uname -r
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Re: How do I know if I am in porteus 2.0 and not in 2.0 rc

Post#2 by francois » 04 Apr 2013, 00:08

For a reason I do not understand, I cannot get a folder to be transformed in a porteus module by right click on folder and using Build porteus module option in XFCE. :crazy:
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Re: How do I know if I am in porteus 2.0 and not in 2.0 rc

Post#3 by brokenman » 04 Apr 2013, 01:23

Thats the v2,0 final.

Take a look in the /opt/porteus-scripts/context-menu/create-module script and add: set -x to the top somewhere then use:

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create-module /path/to/folder
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Re: How do I know if I am in porteus 2.0 and not in 2.0 rc

Post#4 by francois » 04 Apr 2013, 02:40

Could this be called a bug?

Finally, I got around it using dir2xzm.

Thanks a lot brokenman.
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