1.) Burned Porteus v2.0 64bit to a CD (No errors here, and the desktop booted fine from this disk, note the EeePC has no CD or DVD drive internal/external or otherwise).
2.) Rebooted the desktop into Porteus (Looks great here)
3.) Mounted a USB stick.
4.) Used the system menu (KDE) to copy (not install) Porteus to the USB stick. (I did this because the stick has a Multisystem base for booting my favorite short list of OS's, noting that Porteus 2.0 won't play nice with Multisystem hence this convoluted method to try and get it running).
5.) After the copying was complete, I unmounted the USB stick and booted up my ASUS EeePC netbook using the ESC key to boot the multisystem USB stick into puppyslax (all good so far).
6.) Currently I had Bodhi Linux on the Netbook which doesn't have enough packages available yet, so I unmounted it, started up gparted, formated the drive containing Bodhi to ext4, and flagged it as bootable then shut down Gparted.
7.) I opened a terminal and navigated to the freshly formated drive that had previously had Bodhi on it, in this case it was /dev/sda6 now mounted on /mnt/sda6.
8.) I ran the following command from the USB Stick in the current working directory /mnt/sda6:
9.) The above command opened a message saying:
"Installing Porteus to /dev/sda6
Make sure this is the right partition before proceeding.
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+c to exit."
10.) I pressed enter as this was the correct drive to install to which lead to the following error message:
"Flushing filesystem buffers...
Using extlinux bootloader.
Installation failed with error code '4'.
Please ask for help on the Porteus forum: http://www.porteus.org/forum
and provide the following information: the error code recieved,
the filesystem type and your partition layout for this device."
12.) As you can see it failed with error code '4', and here is the partition layout for the device I'm trying to isntall this on which is an "ASUS EeePC 1005PR" netbook:
Code: Select all
Partition File System Mount Point Size Used Unused Flags
/dev/sda1 ntfs /mnt/sda1 100.00GB 24.40GB 75.60GB
/dev/sda2 fat32 /mnt/sda2 10.00GB 8.44GB 1.56GB hidden
/dev/sda3 extended 122.88GB --- ---
/dev/sda6 ext4 /mnt/sda6 120.98GB 2.08GB 118.89GB boot
/dev/sda5 linux-swap 1.91GB
What does code '4' mean, and how can I get Porteus to install on this netbook?