HP Officejet Pro 8600 printer

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HP Officejet Pro 8600 printer

Post#1 by francois » 24 Mar 2013, 11:40

This is a specific thread for HP Officejet Pro 8600 network installation. The installation of that printer seemed problematic, thus a sufficient motive for a more tailored approach.

It follows a discussion on a general thread on printing issues, we were on fourth page of the following thread:

1) Maybe there is an error due to the use of a gutenprint version for 64 bit as proposed by cttan. I think he did not read that you were on the 32 bit porteus version. You mentioned earlier that you have a 32 bit installation.

2) Would you try the usb method with the most recent versions of gutenprint and ghostscript modules, I have updated the thread to point to the compatible porteus 2.0 version for the 32 bit edition see:

3) If you have the impression with all you have tried that you went thru it using the appropriate gutenprint and ghostscript drivers, try the system-config-printer method. It might see your printer more easily with the foomatic database:
http://forum.porteus.org/viewtopic.php? ... 635#p13635

I would really like your printer to be functional. :)
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