Owncloud Desktop Client

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Owncloud Desktop Client

Post#1 by miguipda » 07 Mar 2013, 14:11


as I projet to install Owncloud (personal Dropbox like to secure my personal data and not let them on unknown servers) on a personal small fanless server I saw it is available to use a Owncloud Client : http://doc.owncloud.org/

For whom does not know Owncloud you may test it by clicking the right top blue button "try it" :

As they explain for Linux installtion manual they said :
"The ownCloud client is provided as in a convenient repository for a wide range of popular Linux distributions. If you want to build the sources instead.
Supported distributions are CentOS/RHEL, Fedora, SLES, openSUSE, Ubuntu and Debian.
To support other distributions, a source build is required."

Then I presume it could be better if somebody could make a xzm module by following the building instructions :
http://doc.owncloud.org/desktop/1.2/bui ... structions

Sincerely thanks if somebody could give it to us.

Have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)