[Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

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[Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#1 by fanthom » 12 Jan 2013, 16:40

Hello community,

once again i need to ask Porteus users for help :)
this time i'm working on creating a simple text database containing packages from official repo which requires non binary dependencies not resolved automatically by Porteus Package Manager.

by 'non binary' dependency i mean python, perl or functional dependencies (basically - everything what can't be tracked by 'ldd' command)

example of missing python dependency:
wicd needs 'python' and following other python packages to work: dbus-python, pygobject, pycairo, pygtk

example of missing functional dependency:
k3b requires 'cdrdao' package otherwise wont be able to burn anything
truecrypt needs sudo for non root user
etc ....

my current database can be find here:

please share your experience with unresolved deps while using PPM and i'll be happy to add other packages (and their extra deps) to the database.
this file will be used while constructing official repo for porteus-2.0 so hopefully all (binary/non binary) deps will be resolved in porteus-2.x releases.
sounds great but i need to obtain some help first.

btw: this topic is an example of troubles i'm trying to avoid in porteus-2.0 and later:

thanks in advance.
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Re: [Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#2 by Hamza » 10 Mar 2013, 19:10

Kdenlive dependencies seems to be not resolved.

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Re: [Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#3 by fanthom » 10 Mar 2013, 20:19

this thread is for helping with resolving non binary deps (for reports like: module 'A' needs deps 'B' and 'C').
if you want to report missing deps then please post it here:

btw: PPM shows all deps resolved for kdenlive (47 packages):

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Re: [Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#4 by Hamza » 10 Mar 2013, 20:22

Ok sorry.

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Re: [Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#5 by neko » 29 Nov 2013, 04:33

The name that is set at 'REQUIRED-OTHER:' is a package base name or package name ?
I think that for the libreoffice language pack case, it is better to set a package name.

Following test was done by multi-languages version PPM.

1.download libreoffice

2.create test shell script in work directory

#! /bin/sh
PKG=`echo ${1##*/} | sed 's/.tar.gz//'`
tar -xzf $1
mkdir $2
cd $2
for RPM in `ls ../$PKG/RPMS/*.rpm`
rpm2cpio $RPM | cpio -dium
cd ../
rm dir2mod
ln -sf /opt/porteus-scripts/ppm/app/appCom dir2mod
./dir2mod $2 $2
rm dir2mod
sed -i -r -e 's@^PACKAGE CATEGORY:.*$@PACKAGE CATEGORY: office@' $2/var/log/packages/$2

3.perform test.sh
% cd /home/guest/work
% su
# sh test.sh /a/b/LibreOfficeDev_4.2.0.0.beta1_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz libreoffice-
# sh test.sh /a/b/LibreOfficeDev_4.2.0.0.beta1_Linux_x86_rpm_langpack_ja.tar.gz libreoffice_langpack_ja-

4.edit PPM's informations

->PACKAGE CATEGORY: office, etc

->PACKAGE CATEGORY: office, etc

-> REQUIRED-OTHER: libreoffice-

5. create modules by PPM

6. set linkage
# cd /PPM-module-directory
# ln -sf /home/guest/work/*.xzm .

6. install libreoffice_langpack_ja- by PPM
(ignore KDE dependencies.)*

*It may be multi-languages version PPM's bug.

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Re: [Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#6 by brokenman » 29 Nov 2013, 09:25

Hi Neko, Yes REQUIRED-OTHER: is a package base name. They are for packages that ldd will not resolve such as python deps etc. These are stored in a separate line in the LIBS.TXT file on the server.
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Re: [Help] with resolving non binary deps in official repo

Post#7 by francois » 02 Dec 2013, 18:22

Bumping this post as it is a very good one. I will try to come back to contribute. I am sure that many of us have something to add for the better functioning of the repository and of PPM. 8)
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