Porteus Fat Gnome Edition
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by brokenman » 04 Feb 2013, 11:31
I've compiled everything. Looking good but when i open the file manager to a directory full of images they don't show thumbnails and i get all four processors max out. It should be easy, but it's linux. Man i love compiling shit.
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by Hamza » 05 Feb 2013, 15:36
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by markds » 05 Feb 2013, 20:48
I believe there are pictures after the big green check!
It should be a BSOD followed by the picture of the man hanging himself

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by markds » 21 Feb 2013, 22:23
How goes the Cinnamon wars
Trying out the Porteus v2 final now!
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by brokenman » 26 Feb 2013, 13:46
Update original post with latest version. All headers are included but i've removed locales. Let me know if anyone requires them and i will upload. New icon theme is nice and i chose the new wallpaper because it is my favourite hobby, and i wish i was there right now instead of melting in 40 degrees celcius heat.
Cinnamon is a bitch. Latest gnome-3.6 branch doesn't like my i915 chipset so i am working in fallback mode (which will be removed in 3.8 ). I'm hating gnome a little more each day but learning along the way. Hell, my laptop is only 2 years old and already the crappy integrated intel graphics processor is outdated and the discreet card can't be used in linux. Grumble grumble.

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by francois » 01 Mar 2013, 15:51
This gnome effort of yours is really appreciated brokenman.

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by francois » 09 Mar 2013, 03:02
Reporting after I have tried angry gnome today. On my recent toshiba z930 laptop, which works swiftly with the other versions of porteus v 2.0, the response of the programs is very slow, if not retarded. In addition, the icons on the desktop would not appear. I work in root mode.
Finally, the problem is exclusively in root mode when I try to use the file manager. If I open gimp or libreoffice, before using the file manager, these packages respond rapidly.

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by brokenman » 09 Mar 2013, 21:32
I suspect the root dconf config file of being the problem. I copied it directly from /home/guest after changing all configs from a guest account. You can dump the config file to text file to check out the settings to see if something is wrong.
dconf dump / > /tmp/dconf.dump
I'll test it some more soon.
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by francois » 10 Mar 2013, 03:43
A little bit better, but not enough. Still very slow. The nice icons in the guest mode are not there.
In guest mode looks great! And works fine. Is there some gui root mode for the file manager?
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by brokenman » 10 Mar 2013, 15:04
You can run caja as super user by entering from guest console:
(I'll add a menu item for this in next release)
When i login as root i am also missing wallpaper, icons and everything. In addition caja maxes out cpu to 200%. I believe it is something to do with the dconf config file, probably permissions. Will check it out. Thanks.
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by francois » 16 Mar 2013, 21:39
Thanks a lot! Caja root from terminal works great. Additionally, I forgotten about the command su mc (midnight commander).
Angry Gnome porteus is the swiftest and best looking gnome distribution I ever worked with. Watch out ubuntu!
However, I would change the wallpaper. It is quite depressing for us far up north.
Note: There is still snow in Montreal with -10 oC, though I saw the first mortorcycle on the road today (here in Quebec, it is the end of the seasonal law enforcing winter tires going from dec. 15th to march 15th for all vehicles).
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by brokenman » 17 Mar 2013, 03:38
Thanks Francois. I hope to include it as a viable desktop choice in the next release. I can shrink it down to a fairly reasonable size now. I have gnome-3.6 running now but only in fallback mode. Can't figure out what files are causing it. Unfortunately i don't think it will be an option as it requires upgrades of glib, atk and some others that i don't think fanthom will want to bump in the 001/002 base modules. It could break other desktops.
For now i will work on making the mate desktop workable.
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by francois » 17 Mar 2013, 19:11
In guest mode, when I try to run terminal when there is already google chrome open, the windows of lxterminal will not appear as they open under the window of chrome.
Caja-root script:
Also, instead of having for now to resort to cli mode to invoke caja root, I found a way to have a script to run root mode under guest mode, see:
http://forums.devshed.com/linux-help-33 ... 43815.html
$ su chown root yourscript.sh
$ su chmod 4755 yourscript.sh
Thus I made a script called caja-root with the command you gave above and installed it as a menu item of the run in terminal type.

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by sean » 20 Mar 2013, 19:16
My oh my, this is sweet!
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by brokenman » 21 Mar 2013, 01:48
Thanks Sean.
Francois i will add a super user file manager to menu in next release. Hopefully Mate v1.6 will be ready by then.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.