Porteus-v2.0-rc1-i486.iso (235MB),
Porteus-XFCE-v2.0-rc1-i486.iso (198MB),
I am booted in Porteus-v2.0-rc1-i486.iso (235MB),
is that one bigger and require more memory and such?
The text on DW says
if I use this boot codePorteus 2.0, a set of Slackware-based live images
with a choice of KDE 4, LXDE, Razor-qt and Xfce desktop
Code: Select all
title Porteus 2.0 root toor
root (hd0,0)
kernel /porteusboot/isolinux/vmlinuz from_dev=/dev/sda1 from_dir=/porteus toroot max_loop=256 fsck kmap=se
initrd /porteusboot/isolinux/initrd.xz
I added toroot which allow me to edit the menu.lst and save that file despite being Guest.
I am on NTFS formatted HD an old Vista machine.
I fail to get whatRazor is in relation to xfce win manager. are
Razor bigger than xfce?