Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#16 by fanthom » 28 Dec 2012, 10:01

1.2 For one reason or another, it seems that the changes= cheatcode does not seem to work for me on razor though it works for kde4 64 bit. This means that there is no saving of sessions at exit.
code is the same for 32/64bits so it should work.
please create some file on the desktop or change wallpaper and check once again.
1.4 There is a screen problem in dual display as in kde4. The screen on the two monitors is considered as if it was one, while you get xrandr values stating that it has two screen.
please run 'krandrtray' utility from konsole (i'll add it to kmenu for rc2) and check 'clone outputs' option
I added the modules which I use every day with the stable Porteus v1.2 x64bit but in v2.0 RC1 I'm not able to make running this application
please run it from konsole and check the output for missing library/other error

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#17 by brokenman » 28 Dec 2012, 12:35

- unlike the precedent versions of porteus, there is no way to add another language
You can right click on the little flag and choose configure. Keep in mind that only 4 languages are accepted. You will need to remove one and replace it with another language of your choice.

Ahau when plugging in a USB it is indeed mounted with showexec. This however should not stop the ability to run scripts, noexec would do this. As i understand it, showexec just shows windows executables in color. It doesn't alter the executable rights. As an example move into the boot folder and run (or any other script). It still runs ok. I am assuming the usb device in question is fat32 as are most.
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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#18 by francois » 28 Dec 2012, 16:01

I am on a frugal install.

1) textfile on the desktop will persevere or be there at next boot. However, the opened windows will not be there next boot.
2) root@porteus:~# krandrtray
bash: krandrtray: command not found
3) you are right, this must have been an error on my side. Activating modules works. Forget my lack of reliability and structure. I wonder what I did :oops:

I get in the configure keyboard by right clicking on the us flag. I select French canada. The problem comes up when it is time to transfer the French Canada to the active layouts. My error was that I forgot to remove one of the four active layouts first. Why limit the number of keymaps once the owner has porteus installed on his computer?

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#19 by francois » 28 Dec 2012, 16:27

The root issue is finally ok. To get the file to be executable in razor:
1) create the script that en in .sh
2) right click on the file > properties > root > rwxrwxrwx (to make the file executable)
3) right click on the file > open > execute

Thanks. :)
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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#20 by Hamza » 28 Dec 2012, 16:29

Code: Select all

777 ? File editable by everyone?

The correct command would be

Code: Select all

chmod +x /path/to/

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#21 by francois » 28 Dec 2012, 17:27

What would be the right syntax in terms of rwxrwxrwx? I need this because this is what is shown in razor:
right click on file > permission > root >
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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#22 by Miljoneir » 28 Dec 2012, 17:39

Hi, I am a new user of Porteus and I found an error.
I just did an install in a ext4 partition to a hdd that also contains swap, another linux ext4 partition and a NTFS for windows. Sadly, the installer had put grub on the mbr, even while I was 100% sure that I did not clicked the "install bootloader"-option.
Otherwise, great os!

EDIT: I have the 32bit Razor-qt version.

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#23 by brokenman » 28 Dec 2012, 18:29

Sadly, the installer had put grub on the mbr,
Porteus doesn't install grub.

Thanks for the report. Can you tell us how you did the install? Did you use the script in the boot folder or did you use the Porteus installer via the razor menu?
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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#24 by Ahau » 28 Dec 2012, 18:39

Sagittarius wrote: But when I try to open Porteus Settings Centre, nothing happens! Then I go to Porteus Package Manager, the database updates and then I choose "by category" but when I scroll down the category column no package names appear like in v 1.2.
Hi Sagittarius,

Sorry it took me a while to get back to you on this one.

I can't seem to recreate the issue with Porteus Settings Centre failing to open on my end (though I have experienced this due to a variety of problems in development, I thought I had squashed all of those bugs!). Would you please give me the output/behavior of the following commands?

Code: Select all

cat /usr/share/applications/gtk-porteus-settings-centre.desktop 
/opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu "/opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-settings-centre" 
The first one will double check the line that is executed when you choose porteus-settings-centre from the application menu; the other two ought to start it up or give us more information as to why it's failing. If you have anything in rootcopy or additional modules, etc., that might be interfering, please use the 'base_only' cheatcode to test.

Regarding the package manager, we have not yet populated the module repository with Slackware 14 compliant packages, so for now you'll have to pull Slackware 14 txz packages manually and convert them to modules with txz2xzm.



It's my understanding that 'showexec' allows files on FAT/NTFS partitions to be executed based only on the file extension name, i.e. '.exe' and '.com' files will execute (which is why the linux installer is named .com, so it will execute on other linux OS's that automount with showexec), but it will not allow execution of other scripts that don't match the predefined extensions. See here for more info: ... t=30#p2638
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#25 by Miljoneir » 28 Dec 2012, 22:39

brokenman wrote:
Sadly, the installer had put grub on the mbr,
Porteus doesn't install grub.

Thanks for the report. Can you tell us how you did the install? Did you use the script in the boot folder or did you use the Porteus installer via the razor menu?
I used the installer from the menu (i was also already able to fix it by booting the windows partition from plop, handy addition i must say).
But if it does not install grub, then what happened? When i rebooted i suddenly had the grub bootmenu instead of the windows one...

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#26 by Sagittarius » 28 Dec 2012, 23:26

@ Ahau, thanks for the reply. When I inserted your code, the Settings Centre started up OK. Here is the output:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/#     cat /usr/share/applications/gtk-porteus-settings-centre.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Porteus Settings Centre
Exec=/opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu "/opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-settings-centre"
Categories=Application;System;root@porteus:/#     /opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-settings-centre

I have nothing in rootcopy nor additional modules as yet, it's a clean extraction without modifications.

Thanks too for the info about the packages in PPM. :)

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#27 by brokenman » 29 Dec 2012, 12:26

Of course its not all about the pretty colors. :crazy: The man mount page shows:
If set, the execute permission bits of the file will be allowed only if the extension part of the name is .EXE, .COM, or .BAT.
While this holds true for most drives, we are talking about a pendrive formatted FAT32 in which case all bets are off. A quick test verifies this.

Exec=/opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu "/opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-settings-centre"
Please try changing this line to: Exec=ktsuss porteus-settings-centre
Perhaps the authentication package (ktsuss) is grumpy about being passed through a script.

Thank you. I have had this bug confirmed. Ticking the box to install and then unticking again results in bootloader being installed (ouch). I love the way we call a coding screwup a bug. :unknown:
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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#28 by Sagittarius » 29 Dec 2012, 20:30

brokenman wrote:
Exec=/opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu "/opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-settings-centre"
Please try changing this line to: Exec=ktsuss porteus-settings-centre
Perhaps the authentication package (ktsuss) is grumpy about being passed through a script.
Brokenman, both your line and Ahau's code brought up the Settings Centre :good:

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#29 by gnomic » 30 Dec 2012, 00:37

About this forum - when I try to bring up the index, what shows up is a listing of the latest postings??? Some mistake here? It's kind of irritating.

Anyway, real reason for posting. Just tried to connect with v2 rc1 64-bit CD. Boots OK on this Toshiba Satellite Pro S300. However when I connect via wireless, the mouse I am using via USB turns off. At least I think it's related. When I ran CD last night without wifi or any network the mouse worked with no problem. It's a weird one. The equipment is now working without problems using a live CD from another distro connected via wifi and the same mouse.

I posted elsewhere on the forum about the absence of usb_modeswitch, and being unable to use 3g modem. This for both Razor and KDE4 editions. Just happened to come upon a thread started by someone else unable to get 3g going.

Is there a special reason for not including K3b by the way? I kind of liked having this available. I can see why not in 32-bit, but it should be possible with KDE4?

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Re: Feedback for Porteus version 2.0 RC1

Post#30 by fanthom » 30 Dec 2012, 09:57

1) textfile on the desktop will persevere or be there at next boot. However, the opened windows will not be there next boot.
could be a bug as we had troubles with forcing razor to close the session properly (kill all processes) that's why brokenman switched to gdm which performs a full Xorg restart during logout.
would be nice if anyone could confirm that razor is able to "remember" windows position in some other distro shipping with razor.
2) root@porteus:~# krandrtray
bash: krandrtray: command not found
i was thinking you were talking about kde4 edition. please run this command in kde4.
razor is using lxrandr for this task which is a bit limited comparing to krandrtray.

when I connect via wireless, the mouse I am using via USB turns off.
this is odd.
please try to recreate and upload /var/log/messages (ideally whole /var/log folder) for investigation.
Is there a special reason for not including K3b by the way?
k3b is 10MB in size so we have decided to replace it with lightweight pburn.
k3b is in 64bit repo for people who need it.

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