Sagittarius wrote:
But when I try to open Porteus Settings Centre, nothing happens! Then I go to Porteus Package Manager, the database updates and then I choose "by category" but when I scroll down the category column no package names appear like in v 1.2.
Hi Sagittarius,
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you on this one.
I can't seem to recreate the issue with Porteus Settings Centre failing to open on my end (though I have experienced this due to a variety of problems in development, I thought I had squashed all of those bugs!). Would you please give me the output/behavior of the following commands?
Code: Select all
cat /usr/share/applications/gtk-porteus-settings-centre.desktop
/opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu "/opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-settings-centre"
The first one will double check the line that is executed when you choose porteus-settings-centre from the application menu; the other two ought to start it up or give us more information as to why it's failing. If you have anything in rootcopy or additional modules, etc., that might be interfering, please use the 'base_only' cheatcode to test.
Regarding the package manager, we have not yet populated the module repository with Slackware 14 compliant packages, so for now you'll have to pull Slackware 14 txz packages manually and convert them to modules with txz2xzm.
It's my understanding that 'showexec' allows files on FAT/NTFS partitions to be executed based only on the file extension name, i.e. '.exe' and '.com' files will execute (which is why the linux installer is named .com, so it will execute on other linux OS's that automount with showexec), but it will not allow execution of other scripts that don't match the predefined extensions. See here for more info: ... t=30#p2638