[solved ] access a SAMBA network folder

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#16 by amplatfus » 09 Jun 2013, 21:27

Hamza wrote:What's the output of these commands?

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file /etc/smbpasswd

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ls -la /etc/smbpasswd
Dear Hamza,

Here are the results. Please confirm this is the reason. I mention that I run this commands from Porteus OS. My shared folder, is in DDWRT Router and I wish to access it from Porteus OS.

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root@porteus:~# file /etc/smbpasswd
/etc/smbpasswd: ERROR: cannot open `/etc/smbpasswd' (No such file or directory)
root@porteus:~# ls -la /etc/smbpasswd
/bin/ls: cannot access /etc/smbpasswd: No such file or directory
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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#17 by Hamza » 09 Jun 2013, 21:34

The reason of your error in the log come from here. The system is trying to access this file but it's not present or not available which result into an error in log.

This shouldn't the root cause of your 'router' problem.

What's the current version of samba server running on your router?

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#18 by wread » 09 Jun 2013, 21:53


If your router has a samba server installed, then it -the samba server- is supposed to serve as interface to windows machines. If you are using a Porteus machine to connect to your server, i don't see what is the samba server for.

Maybe you have a windows server and you have samba installed in your Porteus machine. This is the "reverse" case and I have tested it in my office, too. But that works only in text mode; you get a prompt like that:"<smb>... or similar.

Maybe you should explain exactly which operating systems are you using.

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#19 by amplatfus » 09 Jun 2013, 22:03

Hamza wrote:The reason of your error in the log come from here. The system is trying to access this file but it's not present or not available which result into an error in log.

This shouldn't the root cause of your 'router' problem.

What's the current version of samba server running on your router?
I must clarify. The upper commands were run form terminal, locally in Porteus OS.
And more than, with the same router/ same network config, mounting works for months with shared router folders mounted in older Porteus (DDWRT Firmware, Samba version 2.2.12)

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root@ddwrt:~# file /etc/smbpasswd
-bash: file: command not found
root@ddwrt:~# ls -la /etc/smbpasswd
cannot access /etc/smbpasswd: No such file or directory
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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#20 by amplatfus » 09 Jun 2013, 22:15

wread wrote:@amplatfus

If your router has a samba server installed, then it -the samba server- is supposed to serve as interface to windows machines. If you are using a Porteus machine to connect to your server, i don't see what is the samba server for.

Maybe you have a windows server and you have samba installed in your Porteus machine. This is the "reverse" case and I have tested it in my office, too. But that works only in text mode; you get a prompt like that:"<smb>... or similar.

Maybe you should explain exactly which operating systems are you using.

Regards :)

A. external storage mounted in router with DDWRT + Optware
B. stick Porteus v1.2 KDE
C. stick Porteus 2.1 RC1 KDE

Dream :) to mount storage to be accessible, locally in /mnt/xyz Porteus OS
A+B+mount.cifs = OK
A+C+mount.cifs = NOTOK

So, I consider Porteus team have great job with new KDE and I do not want to keep you busy with my dreams...
If I will find why is not working, I will post. Maybe a reinstall of RC1 KDE is the sollution. I suppose that the router is OK, because it's working with C.

Best regards,

PS: Sorry I complicated things, maybe I shall edit/delete some of my posts :(
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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#21 by amplatfus » 12 Jun 2013, 11:07


In the meantime, I have updated the Samba from DD_WRT. Now I have 3.5.21.
And again, I can access the network folder by mount mapping from Porteus 1.2 KDE, also map folder as partition from Windows XP and Windows 7. It works even from Android 2.3.6, 4.04, 4.2.2 using ES Explorer with LAN folder.
Using Porteus KDE 2.1 RC1 the error have changed :( :)

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mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
I am still searching,
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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#22 by Hamza » 12 Jun 2013, 11:53

Try again with root account.

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#23 by amplatfus » 12 Jun 2013, 14:41

Hamza wrote:Try again with root account.
I was on root, but on copy2ram option.
Now I post from root - booted in normal KDE

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root@porteus:~# mkdir /mnt/pc
root@porteus:~# mount.cifs // /mnt/pc user=yourusername, password=pass@
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
Could be because "@" from password?
Or maybe my IP is not recognized by RC1 2.1 KDE?

On all other devices is working with this settings (Porteus 1.2 KDE, Android, Windows) even after update or DDWRT SAMBA from ROUTER where is the shared folder.

I have to wait for miracles :)
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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#24 by Hamza » 12 Jun 2013, 16:15

Ok had the same error than you and found the solution.

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mount.cifs //X.X.X.X/path /mnt/pc -o username=YOUR_DOMAIN/your_username,password=your_password

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#25 by amplatfus » 12 Jun 2013, 21:39

Hamza wrote:Ok had the same error than you and found the solution.

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mount.cifs //X.X.X.X/path /mnt/pc -o username=YOUR_DOMAIN/your_username,password=your_password
I have some news. The upper sollution is not working, but I have been searching. Here is the results from a terminal session in router where share folder is located:

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root@linuxrouter:/etc# ls -la /etc/passwd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 May 17  2011 /etc/passwd -> /tmp/etc/passwd
root@linuxrouter:/etc# cd /tmp/etc
root@linuxrouter:/tmp/etc# cat /etc/passwd
root:*****:0:0:Root User,,,:/tmp/root:/opt/bin/bash
reboot:*******:0:0:Root User,,,:/tmp/root:/sbin/reboot
ftp:**********:0:0:Root User,,,:/tmp/root:/bin/sh
messagebus:x:1000:1000:messagebus daemon:/opt/var/run/dbus:/bin/false
root@linuxrouter:/tmp/etc# cat /etc/group 
I am opened to suggestion. I believe I am getting closer :) I can imagine now is not only about Porteus 2.1KDE RC1, but maybe there is something that is change comparing to my configuration from Porteus 1.2 KDE.
I see that soon, the subject will be modified in "SOLVED"

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#26 by Hamza » 12 Jun 2013, 21:44

The upper sollution is not working
Are you sure you have entered correctly the command? Can you paste your command and replace the 'password' with some '*' ?

You can replace the DOMAIN with the group's name.

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#27 by amplatfus » 12 Jun 2013, 22:13

Hamza wrote:
The upper sollution is not working
Are you sure you have entered correctly the command? Can you paste your command and replace the 'password' with some '*' ?

You can replace the DOMAIN with the group's name.
Thank you for patience and fast support. I temporary changed my password and have try it exactly as below:

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root@porteus:~# mount.cifs // /mnt/pc user=qwerty, password=@qwerty
Password: (I type again the same @qwerty)
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
Hope to have good news :)
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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#28 by Hamza » 12 Jun 2013, 22:20

You're welcome :)

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root@porteus:~# mount.cifs // /mnt/pc user=qwerty, password=@qwerty
Password: (I type again the same @qwerty)
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
That's not a correct command.

Can you try this command?

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mount.cifs // /mnt/pc -o username=GROUP_NAME/querty,password=@querty
You must replace 'GROUP_NAME' with the group/domain set into the router.

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#29 by amplatfus » 13 Jun 2013, 05:10

Dear Hamza,

All I have to do was to press the upper arrow for few times :) , because I have tried this also:

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root@porteus:~# su
root@porteus:~# modprobe cifs
root@porteus:~# mount.cifs // /mnt/pc -o username=workgroup/querty,password=@querty
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
Is not ask to enter the password again, like before...
PS: the workgroup from samba is called :workgroup

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Re: access a SAMBA network folder

Post#30 by Hamza » 13 Jun 2013, 05:13


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