for those who use Dropbox you could also be interested to protect the data you store on your dropbox cloud folder.
As I soon use a tablet I discovered there is a program that do it and is called Boxcryptor : https://www.boxcryptor.com/
They also have a version for windows and source code for linux : https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/
Or this tool (no package available on porteus for this use) : http://blog.boxcryptor.com/how-to-use-b ... -ubuntu-ma
But as explained by other users it could be more interrested to use an encrypted virtual drive that you may then store on your dropbox cloud folder. And to do that you simply use your already avalaible truecrypt package.
To easily mount the truecrypt encrypted folder there are some avalaible GUIs : http://code.google.com/p/mtcrypt/
But it is possible there are some other GUI still more interesting.
Does somebody already have those two useful process :
1) using a truecrypt ecnrpyted folder on his/her dropbox cloud
2) a porteus package allowing to use a truecrypt GUI
sincrely thanks and have a nice day,
Miguipda ;-)