Kalzium 4.8.4 for Porteus KDE4-32 bits

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Kalzium 4.8.4 for Porteus KDE4-32 bits

Post#1 by wread » 04 Nov 2012, 01:19

A magnificent tool for Chemistry students and a valuable database for chemical engineers. You can download it from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?3wcviytbopqcv7p

Put it in modules and reboot; you will find it under Applications>Education.

Enjoy :D
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Re: Kalzium 4.8.4 for Porteus KDE4-32 bits

Post#2 by Hamza » 04 Nov 2012, 01:31

Put it in modules and reboot; you will find it under Applications>Education
Why not simply double-click on the downloaded file ? :D

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Re: Kalzium 4.8.4 for Porteus KDE4-32 bits

Post#3 by wread » 04 Nov 2012, 01:42

Really? I think when you do it so, then you must start it on a console, typing "kalzium" to start it.

Regards :)
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Re: Kalzium 4.8.4 for Porteus KDE4-32 bits

Post#4 by Hamza » 04 Nov 2012, 01:45

Why should I need to start it from console ? Does this module loads something at boot to be load-able from GUI ?

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