@all ..
I'm lost with your advices
so : sorry to re-explain my problem
Wants to have Libreoffice with french langpack an helpfile (same version as friends(windows)) : 3.5.7
so have to convert 3 rpm packages(install-langpack-helpfiles)
downloading of the .gz is ok
tar .xzf is ok
I'm using the same files untared
When in Porteuc v1.2 (32bits) : rpm2txz(tgz) says "this is not a rpm'
when in Slackware (intalled from current dated 18 jul 2012 with kernel 3.2.23 : the .txz is created
For me I''have a soluce to create a .xzm §
@bigbass your 3.6.2 is ok .. but english version.
rpm2txz (rxcpio error)
Re: rpm2txz (rxcpio error)
Hey bour59
Here is the language pack in French just install this since you have the
main program installed already
http://www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbu ... 2alien.txz
http://www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbu ... 2alien.txz
let me know if it works for you
Here is the language pack in French just install this since you have the
main program installed already
http://www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbu ... 2alien.txz
http://www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbu ... 2alien.txz
let me know if it works for you
- Shogun
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 29 Dec 2010, 08:10
- Distribution: porteus v5.0-xfce K5.19.7
- Location: France
Re: rpm2txz (rxcpio error)
Thanks to you
I've converted the 3 .tgz then activated the 3 .xzm
Libreoffice 3.6.2 works fine with french presentation.
may I ask you the helppack package in french
which is part of libreoffice distribution.
thx again !
@all interested
I have tried with the .deb package
seems deb2xzm works ok
Thanks to you
I've converted the 3 .tgz then activated the 3 .xzm
Libreoffice 3.6.2 works fine with french presentation.
may I ask you the helppack package in french
which is part of libreoffice distribution.
thx again !
@all interested
I have tried with the .deb package
seems deb2xzm works ok
Re: rpm2txz (rxcpio error)
Hey bour59
Try this for more info not all languages are supported but I found French
http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Docu ... cations/fr
Sure ,I thought it was included with the language pack but its a separate documentmay I ask you the help pack package in french
which is part of libreoffice distribution.
Try this for more info not all languages are supported but I found French
http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Docu ... cations/fr
- Shogun
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 29 Dec 2010, 08:10
- Distribution: porteus v5.0-xfce K5.19.7
- Location: France
Re: rpm2txz (rxcpio error)
Well, for now I can use Libreoffice + french presentation from two ways
- libreoffice 3.6.2 (for advanced users)
from alien's site I didn't know
then txz2xzm
- libreoddice 3.5.7 (considered as stable)
from documentfoundation .deb
then deb2xzm
and I've stopped to convert .rpm due to the error encountered.
@bigbass I know this documentation site . thanks again
- libreoffice 3.6.2 (for advanced users)
from alien's site I didn't know
then txz2xzm
- libreoddice 3.5.7 (considered as stable)
from documentfoundation .deb
then deb2xzm
and I've stopped to convert .rpm due to the error encountered.
@bigbass I know this documentation site . thanks again
- Shogun
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 29 Dec 2010, 08:10
- Distribution: porteus v5.0-xfce K5.19.7
- Location: France
Re: rpm2txz (rxcpio error)
last post for me about this problem
after alls verifs md5sum
After rebooting from iso 1.2 32bits v3.44 and verif md5sum
I can said my problem persists but
can't explain but has a bypass
Thanks to all's
[ SOLVED for me ]
after alls verifs md5sum
After rebooting from iso 1.2 32bits v3.44 and verif md5sum
I can said my problem persists but
after activating xzm-utils by fidoslax.The error had gone amay
can't explain but has a bypass
Thanks to all's
[ SOLVED for me ]