Multi boot using lilo
I had started this in another thread but to conform to forum rules I started a new clean post
I will link the other post here
If you already have slackware installed and you want to add porteus with its many boot options
here is a working lilo.conf example that I use
This will help out the next guy going down the lonesome bootloader road that wants porteus installed
along side slackware its hard to find full examples so here's one I added a few more options today
slackware 14
Porteus-TDE #with the save file
Porteus-LXDE # with the save file
some notes I updated my porteus kernel and renamed it to avoid confusion with the other kernel
note plop was downloaded from the main webpage and copied to /boot this is easy to do
todo will add porteus xfce I also use slackware xfce frequently
Posted after 1 day 32 minutes 23 seconds:
Boot xfce using lilo
To do this correctly you need a new folder for xfce we will call it porteus-xfce
because xorg base is different and a minor add to core we will also use a new kernel fix
#download this ... 2-i486.iso
# This needs to be done in the very top directory of the device
# example from cd /mnt/sda2 the same place you have your standard
# porteus install or linux install
# we are going to copy or extract everything from the iso to this folder
mkdir -p porteus-xfce
# now we need to update the kernel and initrd.xz this is an extra step
# because its a fix for porteus-1.2
# download this and extract it ... ftm.tar.gz
# after you copied everything from the iso here
# replace porteus-xfce/base/000-kernel.xzm with the new one from the above link
# the initrd.xz goes in /boot
# Will repeat This needs to be done in the very top directory of the device
# example from cd /mnt/sda2 the same place you have your standard
# porteus install or linux install
# and the kernel gets renamed to vmlinuz-porteus-3.4.9 and place in /boot
# we rename this because if you have another linux installed it wont get clobbered
# now you can add this to you lilo.conf
# then run lilo again from the terminal to update it
# this will boot XFCE always fresh
append = "initrd=/boot/initrd.xz from_dev=/dev/sda2 from_dir=/porteus-xfce xfce nomagic base_only norootcopy autoexec=xconf;telinit~4 max_loop=256 toroot"