Here is SABNZBD 0.7.3 for porteus-64bit as a module: http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=55987
Filename: sabnzbd_0.7.3_64bit_att.xzm ; size: 3.321.856 bytes
It contains the following modules/files, which were required to get Sabnzbd to run:
Cheetah-2.4.4.tar 860.160 bytes
pyOpenSSL-0.11.tar 1.085.440 bytes
SABnzbd-0.7.3-src.tar 7.444.480 bytes
yenc-0.3.tar 122.880 bytes
To make it work completely, an additional module, namely, "rar/unrar" is required.
So, I updated RAR/UNRAR to the latest RAR 4.11 free-version.
Here is the module: http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=55988
How to make it work: Place both files in the "modules" folder.
Start it with "python /usr/local/src/SABNZBD-0.7.3/SABnzbd.py"
The browser will start with the wizard, where you can enter your information.
Posted after 12 minutes 47 seconds:
Addendum: Sorry - I fell for a shitty file hoster.
Here is the SABNZBD again : http://www.smallfiles.org/download/2445 ... t.xzm.html
And the RAR: http://www.smallfiles.org/download/2446 ... t.xzm.html
Posted after 5 minutes 55 seconds:
Another mirror, just to be safe: http://filesave.me/file/24042/sabnzbd-0 ... t-xzm.html
Posted after 16 hours 8 minutes 27 seconds:
Addendum... sorry for that, but... "omploader" does not allow xzm-files to be uploaded.
So I zipped the XZM file and uploaded it again, here it is: http://ompldr.org/iZm80eA
Unzip, and then place it in your modules folder. Duh.
SABNZBD 0.7.3 64bit - binary newsreader
Re: SABNZBD 0.7.3 64bit - binary newsreader
Addendum: If your NZB file content is downloaded to an NTFS partition and SABNZBD cannot download the file due to special chars / multibyte chars etc., there is a very handy option in SABNZBD:
Use the option "fsys_type=2" in Config->Special.
See: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/configure-special-0-7
Now it saves all files properly!
Use the option "fsys_type=2" in Config->Special.
See: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/configure-special-0-7
Now it saves all files properly!