While waiting for the official Porteus/VirtualBox xzm module to be posted, I would like to build my own version but, unfortunately, I do not know how to do it

I used to go to http://www.virtualbox.org, download the linux host all distros AMD64 version (for instance: VirtualBox-4.1.20-80170-Linux_amd64.run) and execute ./VirtualBox-4.1.20-80170-Linux_amd64.run.
My next step should be to use dir2xzm in order to build the xzm module.
Unfortunately, I receive the following message:
Code: Select all
root@porteus:~/Downloads# ./VirtualBox-4.1.20-80170-Linux_amd64.run
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox for Linux installation...........
VirtualBox Version 4.1.20 r80170 (2012-08-20T14:57:20Z) installer
Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel.
The current kernel version is 3.4.4-porteus
Problems were found which would prevent VirtualBox from installing.
Please correct these problems and try again.
Many thanks in advance!

P.S.: Of course, I tried also to download the rpm or deb versions from the VirtualBox website and used the deb2xzm or the rpm2xzm command to convert the package but after activation, VirtualBox does not start properly