[SOLVED] VirtualBox

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[SOLVED] VirtualBox

Post#1 by firefoxjet » 31 Aug 2012, 22:22

I noticed that, as soon as possible, a new version of VirtualBox is released here. Thank you very much!
While waiting for the official Porteus/VirtualBox xzm module to be posted, I would like to build my own version but, unfortunately, I do not know how to do it :wall:

I used to go to http://www.virtualbox.org, download the linux host all distros AMD64 version (for instance: VirtualBox-4.1.20-80170-Linux_amd64.run) and execute ./VirtualBox-4.1.20-80170-Linux_amd64.run.
My next step should be to use dir2xzm in order to build the xzm module.

Unfortunately, I receive the following message:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~/Downloads# ./VirtualBox-4.1.20-80170-Linux_amd64.run 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox for Linux installation...........
VirtualBox Version 4.1.20 r80170 (2012-08-20T14:57:20Z) installer
Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel.
The current kernel version is 3.4.4-porteus
Problems were found which would prevent VirtualBox from installing.
Please correct these problems and try again.
Could you please post here instructions on how to prepare the xzm module that you regularly post?

Many thanks in advance! :Yahoo!:

P.S.: Of course, I tried also to download the rpm or deb versions from the VirtualBox website and used the deb2xzm or the rpm2xzm command to convert the package but after activation, VirtualBox does not start properly :x
Last edited by firefoxjet on 02 Sep 2012, 17:47, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: VirtualBox

Post#2 by Hamza » 31 Aug 2012, 22:26

Please try with crippled sources kernel extracted on your filesystem.

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Re: VirtualBox

Post#3 by firefoxjet » 31 Aug 2012, 22:33

Hi Hamza,

Many thanks for your prompt reply.

Could you please explain what you mean for "crippled sources kernel extracted on your filesystem"?

Thanks and regards.

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Re: VirtualBox

Post#4 by brokenman » 01 Sep 2012, 15:48

Download the crippled sources from here.
http://ponce.cc/porteus/x86_64/current/ ... l-sources/

It may be that you need the FULL kernel sources to compile vbox. I have never tried with just crippled sources.

There is also the newer kernel on the server with all relevant files:
http://ponce.cc/porteus/x86_64/current/ ... nux-3.4.9/

After compiling and installing virtualbox ... open a terminal and run: changes-time
This will copy all modified files into /root/changes
You will then need to manually copy /opt/virtualbox into /root/changesxxx/opt
delete /root/changesxxx/etc/rc.d/rc.local as it may override user settings
delete /root/changesxxx/var/ folder
make sure /root/changesxxx/lib/modules/$(uname -r))/misc/vboxdrv.ko

Please also create the file /root/changesxxx/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.virtualbox with the following content

Code: Select all

groupadd vboxusers 2>/dev/null
/sbin/depmod -a
sleep 1
/sbin/modprobe vboxdrv
/sbin/modprobe vboxnetadp
/sbin/modprobe vboxnetflt
Then create a symlink at etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S99virtualbox pointing to this file.

Code: Select all

cd /root/changesxxx/etc/rc.d/rc4.d
ln -s ../init.d/rc.virtualbox S99virtualbox
cd -
Finally make a module fromthe changesxxx folder:

Code: Select all

dir2xzm /root/changes /tmp/Virtualbox.xzm
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Re: VirtualBox

Post#5 by firefoxjet » 02 Sep 2012, 17:46

Hi brokenman,

Many thanks for the detailed explanation. It works. :D

I mark this one as SOLVED :Yahoo!:


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Re: [SOLVED] VirtualBox

Post#6 by amplatfus » 17 May 2014, 04:57


Please, are this steps valid to follow in Porteus LXDE 3.0 final?

Best regards.
Porteus-v5.0. rc1 MATE. Thank you all dev team and @Blaze for helping to configure it, thanks to entire Porteus community members for great topics.
Kernel: 000-kernel-5.4.8,xzm

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Re: [SOLVED] VirtualBox

Post#7 by francois » 17 May 2014, 05:32

There is a virtual box builder under porteus 3.0:
kde > applications > system > virtualbox builder
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Re: [SOLVED] VirtualBox

Post#8 by amplatfus » 17 May 2014, 05:56

I was trying to use it. I have also 05-devel last version installed. But after /tmp/Virtualbox-4.3.12-porteus-v3.0-i486-1prt.xzm is ready message, what should I follow?

Edit: It was my fault. I was trying with 05-devel x64 into 32bits Porteus system. After corrected this, VirtualBox build xzm started to work without issues.

Thank you.
Porteus-v5.0. rc1 MATE. Thank you all dev team and @Blaze for helping to configure it, thanks to entire Porteus community members for great topics.
Kernel: 000-kernel-5.4.8,xzm

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