display manager doesn't appear

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display manager doesn't appear

Post#1 by maspai » 31 Jul 2012, 07:53

instead, only console prompt to enter username and password, then must run startx to show the desktop. how to solve this? thanks.

EDIT: this didn't happen in live session using usbdisk. it's installed now in harddisk.

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Re: display manager doesn't appear

Post#2 by wread » 31 Jul 2012, 20:10

Try this:
Instead of starting the graphic mode with startx, you can start the X-server with xinit.

You will get a little primitive console in the upper left corner.

Now you move the cursor to the x-console (to activate it) and type "startkde". The graphic mode should start.

This is a log window and there you can read what is happening to your system, you will get a clue, why it is not starting as planned. You can move up an down to investigate the fault.

Good luck! :)
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Re: display manager doesn't appear

Post#3 by maspai » 01 Aug 2012, 09:07

it works, thanks :). btw, how to rename guest to my username? thanks.

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