in past I solved problem with my Novatel Wireless MerlinXU870 but it was under Porteus 1.1_64 ... U870#p7730
Today I am fighting with it again but Porteus 1.2_64. In this version I do not see Internet Dial-Up Tool (KPPP) which was simple for me. I am using Porteus Settings Center->Network Setup and nothing.
What do I do else?
Please help me solved problem.
I am waiting for answer, thanks.
Napisane after 7 hours 12 minutes 46 seconds:
OK guys,
problem was solved....with help of fanthom. Thanks fanthom

What did I do?
So, in Network Manager ->Mobile Boardband->add new connect and cleared fields: Connection name, username and password on the bookmark: mobile brandband.
Marked option Connect automaticaly and....
that's all

I do not know what I did wrong.