DNS Utils (dig host nslookup)

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DNS Utils (dig host nslookup)

Post#1 by vitich » 19 Jul 2012, 14:05

Can`t find it in 1.2

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Re: DNS Utils (dig host nslookup)

Post#2 by Ahau » 19 Jul 2012, 15:45

Welcome, vitich! These utilities are all a part of the 'bind' package in slackware-based distros. Please try using the porteus package manager to find and download 'bind'. If it's not in the repo for porteus modules already, you should be able to search the Slackware repo inside the package manager for it, then download and convert it (with dependency resolution) into a porteus xzm module.

Let us know if you run into any problems and we can help get it sorted out.
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: DNS Utils (dig host nslookup)

Post#3 by Hamza » 20 Jul 2012, 11:34

Normally, there will have some deps missings. From memory, they will have 2 missings deps and slackyd will found them mysql pkg.

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Re: DNS Utils (dig host nslookup)

Post#4 by bour59 » 15 Sep 2012, 14:19

bind.txz from slackware/n is easyly build in .xzm by ppm
but needs a companion : idnkit which is not shown by ppm (nothing in check dependencies)
idnkit.txz from slackware/n is easyly build in .xzm by ppm (nothing in check dependencies)
after activating, I have tested nslookup in a local network
to resolve Ip address and hostame and vice-versa
works as expected.

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