unbelievable I just installed Porteus 1.2 then I asked to add the truecrypt package and when I try to start it with the icon menu it does not start.
With a command line test I received this error message :
Code: Select all
truecrypt: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Could you please solve it.
If it means we must have the surprise that some dependency are missing why the icon is available if it is not to be able to run the supposed installed program.
Please do not be hurt by this message but I am really surprised by this missing due to the fact that all newbie (like me) could appreciate your really great Porteus distribution. But if there are some small bugs like this they will quick leaves it because they will not be sure to have a working installed distribution.
I sincerely think that Porteus will be my next distribution but now I still encounter some small problems like this current one.
Then please let us enjoy your distribution by solving those small problems.
Have a good night.
Miguipda ;=)