Porteus-1.2 feedback

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Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#1 by fanthom » 04 Jul 2012, 09:36

With a little delay Porteus-1.2 is finally released.
In this thread we are seeking for your feedback so let us know if you like it, dont like it, what could be added, removed, replaced.
Community is the most important to us (that's why we are making this distro in first place) so dont be afraid to share your thoughts.

Will do our best to improve next Porteus release according to your wishes :)

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RE: Porteus v1.2

Post#2 by justwantin » 04 Jul 2012, 10:42

Best wishes to all you guys. I abused rc2 for two weeks solid as my desktop work station and it won. Thank you for your fine effort!

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#3 by edge226 » 04 Jul 2012, 11:24

needs an upgrade from pulseaudio 1.1 to pulseaudio 2.0. Available here. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Softwar ... o/Download

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#4 by lukaluki » 04 Jul 2012, 11:41

Can you please let us/me know which changes has been done from 1.2 RC2 to 1.2 ?

Thank you!

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#5 by UrUtusUbU » 04 Jul 2012, 13:14

has it changed anything important into the kernel?

why they all wallpapers have something that to see with the water? i had to ask :D

I it will prove one week and will give a feedback more serious next time :)

thanks for the new porteus.

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#6 by brokenman » 04 Jul 2012, 13:19

Please read the announcement page which points to the realtime changelog of what was changed for each release and desktop.


Yes there were some changes to kernel. Please read changelogs.
The water theme is because 'Porteus' comes from 'Proteus' the greek god of the sea who could transform at will.
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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#7 by secipolla » 04 Jul 2012, 18:01

Just a feedback on the Xfce 32-bit live-CD.

· 1st impression is nice looking OS with few used RAM.
· Excellent idea of using Puppy apps. I like pburn very much as in my installed Fedora I only use wodim. pburn uses cdrdao, I think. One thing is that wodim/cdrdao should run as root and in Puppy that's not a problem but in Porteus it runs as unprivileged user?
· Retrovol tray icon didn't make any change in the sound volume because it was set to 'Master Mono Playback Volume' instead of 'Master Playback Volume'.
· (minor thing) when busy the cursor changed to X's default theme.
· First time that thunar-volman's auto-mount worked for me. Didn't work in Fedora, nor Debian nor Phinx.
· When I clicked the package manager's icon on the panel and entered the password it didn't open. Then from the menu it opened. Then next time I tried from the panel it worked so I don't know if the first time I just didn't wait long enough or if I typed a wrong password.
· The package manager worked very well and I could install keepassx from the Salix repo. keepassx (password manager) is a good app for a portable system.
· Flash player 11.2 r202 doesn't work with my CPU (Athlon XP) nor with any CPU that doesn't have sse2 support.
Version from Adobe's archives is the one that works for us.

Good work!

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#8 by Kaso_Da_Zmok » 04 Jul 2012, 22:05

this is fantastic. this morning i was just booting the 1.2 rc2 thinking how to get firefox 13 and the next moment ii am downloading all versions of 1.2 and did copy the x86_64 v1.2 to my external usb hdd and to other 5 usb flash keys and shared with colleagues. cause i want them to feel the porteus love, currently enjoying it at home with second bottle of red wine

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#9 by GullibleJones » 04 Jul 2012, 23:03

This thing is brilliant! Just like Slax 5 Popcorn edition, only up to date and without the dodgy running-as-root-all-the-time thing. And it boots faster. Some observations:

- There are some delays before certain menus pop up. The desktop menu takes a second, probably because its built-in applications menu has to be generated and that's slow from a USB stick. And the language selection menu takes a few seconds to pop up, for what reason I don't know. Other than that everything is very fast.

- Porteus 1.2 actually sets a record of sorts with compositing: it is the only version of any distribution I have ever used, on which window resizing doesn't lag when using Intel graphics and compositing. Maybe it's the new kernel?

- On a related note, OpenGL with sync-to-vblank works perfectly on said dodgy Intel graphics... Also a first.

- No IRC or chat client, too bad. Not a big deal though, there are several browser based ones.

- The initscripts claim to run the DHCP client on all available interfaces. Not sure this is necessary, what with NetworkManager.

As for Flash, I think it might be a good idea to eventually tear it out; it's a slow pig, doesn't support even some relatively recent CPUs any more, isn't going to get any more feature updates from Adobe, is a huge gaping security hole, and Youtube has mostly obsoleted it in favor of HTML5 (along with many other sites). Now that Youtube works out of the box without Flash, I don't see a whole lot of reason to keep it.

Anyway - brilliant work, as always! Thanks!

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#10 by Ahau » 04 Jul 2012, 23:27


excellent feedback! Please try this module and tell me if it fixes retrovol for you: http://porteus-xfce.googlecode.com/file ... ol-fix.xzm

I edited one of my scripts, hopefully this does the trick.

I'm short on time, but will answer the rest of the items later :)

Thanks, everyone for your responses!
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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#11 by brokenman » 05 Jul 2012, 01:42

Thanks for the great (and fast) feedback!

and did copy the x86_64 v1.2 to my external usb hdd and to other 5 usb flash keys and shared with colleagues. cause i want them to feel the porteus love, currently enjoying it at home with second bottle of red wine.
Excellent. Share the love, and the wine.

the language selection menu takes a few seconds to pop up, for what reason I don't know.

Mainly because of some shonky coding. An internet check before starting and some chunky exporting of variables that could certainly be optimized. Will look at rewriting it.

Porteus 1.2 actually sets a record of sorts with compositing
I love this too.

No IRC or chat client, too bad.
Noted ad added on todo list for v2.0

As for Flash, I think it might be a good idea to eventually tear it out.
Will certainly look at this option in the future.
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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#12 by ncmprhnsbl » 05 Jul 2012, 05:36

1.2 kde 64 doing nicely here :D :good:
i like the new settings centre. firewall toggle and state very comforting.
one small thing- in the boot/cheatcode section, vga-detect should be vga_detect...had me stumped ..then i remembered from a rc changelog.
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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#13 by Ahau » 05 Jul 2012, 06:20

I'm very sorry about that, ncmprhnsbl, and everyone else who uses vga_detect! I merged some changes from an older version of cheatcodes.txt and I accepted a change that should have been rejected. I've fixed this on the website: http://porteus.org/info/docs/57-general ... -them.html

to be clear, the cheatcode should be used as vga_detect and not vga-detect.

@secipolla, regarding the package manager: It does take a moment to load up. Since it did work the second time you tried it from the panel, I'm pretty sure that you just needed to wait a little longer for it. Please try again and give it a few seconds. gtkdialog applications tend to take longer to load than binaries.

regarding cdrdao, we are using standard packages from slackware for cdrdao, so I think this may be a difference of opinion upstream (but I could be wrong on this -- others feel free to chime in).

I'm glad autodetection worked for your removeable drives! It took me a long time to get that working smoothly, and I'm always afraid it's going to break, so I'm happy to have this report :)
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#14 by secipolla » 05 Jul 2012, 12:07

Hi, thanks for the warm welcome.
Indeed the package manager works fine from the panel launcher. Maybe that other time the CD was spinning and I didn't wait for it.
I replaced retrovol and it looks fixed but I messed the process a bit (again, didn't wait the CD to spin down finishing ldconfig) so next boot I test better.

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Re: Porteus-1.2 feedback

Post#15 by back2future » 05 Jul 2012, 20:27

:Yahoo!: :Bravo:

Now the bad news to me ....
My computer can only boot with the cd the configuration without interruption only

KERNEL / boot / vmlinuz
APPEND initrd = / boot /initrd.xz vga = 791 from_dev = / dev/sda1 autoexec = xconfig; telinit~4
the other option hangs after a few minutes
sda my pendrive

Is kppp is not used anymore?
using slackyd at konsole ppp n rppoe there

I'm using v1.1 at the moment using usbmodeswitch for my dongle modem
Never like RTMF so.....
I RTFC instead ^_^

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