Pfind 5.0 for Thunar

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Pfind 5.0 for Thunar

Post#1 by don570 » 30 Jun 2012, 20:31

Find files quickly.

Pfind 5.0 for Thunar available as an archive with two modules inside


Instructions : Both modules must be installed
Menu item 'Go to location' will open the folder containing the file.

I was able to convert the latest app by
Zigbert ---> Pfind 5.0 for Thunar

It is a regular app opened with the start menu
or it can launch from Thunar's 'Send To' menu
which limits the search to a directory ( or partition)



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Re: Pfind 5.0 for Thunar

Post#2 by Rava » 04 Jul 2012, 12:59

Is this part of 1.2 finale XFCe version already?
Looking into (Real time changelog for upcoming Porteus-1.2 release) givers me no hit searching for "pfind"
Yours Rava

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Re: Pfind 5.0 for Thunar

Post#3 by Ahau » 04 Jul 2012, 15:50

It's not a part of 1.2 final, I went with pfilesearch (right click in thunar and choose 'search'), but this could be downloaded and added for those who prefer it.

Thanks, don570!
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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