New Version of Bricscad (V 12.1.23) for Porteus

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New Version of Bricscad (V 12.1.23) for Porteus

Post#1 by wread » 24 Jun 2012, 22:24

Some bugs were eliminated; specially the opening of an existing file from other systems. There are still another less important problems, but this version is much better than all former ones.

Download it from here:

This module, in three versions up to now, has been downloaded 167 times!

If you are using AF mode, don't forget to reboot before 30 days.... :Rose:

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Re: New Version of Bricscad (V 12.1.23) for Porteus

Post#2 by Hamza » 25 Jun 2012, 12:06

If you are using AF mode, don't forget to reboot before 30 days....
Never give a way to bypass a software limit or a software security.
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I don't think, it's legal to show how to use a software without any time limit when this one was supposed to have one of 30 days.

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