Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

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Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#1 by fanthom » 01 Apr 2012, 05:42

Hello people,

i'm sorry to pass this message but i have no other choice:
upcoming Porteus-1.2 release will be delayed by at least few months. two days ago i have broken my right arm while playing basketball with friends.
currently i'm lying in bed at home and looks like my reconvalescence will be long and painful ...
i have to type this message with my left hand which is very uncomfortable to me.

porteus development (at least for 64bit standard edition) must be slowed down for uncertain period of time.
will keep you updated about my health condition.

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#2 by crashman » 01 Apr 2012, 06:05

bad news but we will wait for a speedy recovery


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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#3 by Tonio » 01 Apr 2012, 09:56

Your health is more important than release of porteus. Let your arm heal and hope you have a swift recovery. Release cycles and timely releases can wait; there should be no rush. If we could only do a "System Restore", or "restore image" of yourself :)? Get well soon. and ignore this dumb request(of a restore image; it does not work on humans :( ]

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#4 by wread » 01 Apr 2012, 12:58

You poor man, Tom! I know what that is...
As a 4 year old kid I broke my right humerus at the elbow end by playing Tarzan in the bathroom, springing to the shower pipe; a German doctor put me a gypsum and an arm bracket (they called it an "airplane"); to reduce the fracture they gave me general anesthesia. The result was almost 100% ok. It stayed a little deviation that I couldn't bat as right-handler at baseball playing (I used to bat as left-handler then) and I couldn't play tennis, either. With the left hand alone in tennis, my drives had no punch.
Later, with 13 years, I broke my right arm radius, again playing Tarzan springing to a tree's branch. But then the traumatology was more advanced and after 6 weeks the doctor took my gypsum off and all went ok.

Nowadays they are putting titanium nails inside the bones that they retire after healing.
I hope they are using those new things in your case and that you will be fit in a couple of months.
This is kind of a forced vacation. :bad:

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#5 by Hamza » 01 Apr 2012, 13:18

I wish you a very speedy recovery!

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#6 by Ahau » 01 Apr 2012, 15:32

So sorry to hear this! I hope you have a speedy recovery!
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#7 by bigbass » 01 Apr 2012, 23:18

Hey fanthom
I am really sorry to that news about your arm
I hope ( and pray) for your speedy recovery

what I will say may sound strange but it came to my mind
in 2007 I had an accident and lost all the vision in my left eye
I couldn't stand to do nothing so I started working on an iso
since I had a lot of time to think I kept busy it was just a therapy
to keep my mind off the troubles well after 8 months and two surgeries
I recovered my vision so all is fine now (I learned more about linux in that down time ) :)

so many more good things to come from you fanthom

Last edited by bigbass on 02 Apr 2012, 00:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#8 by brokenman » 01 Apr 2012, 23:45

Damn. Take it easy and recover. Damage to the beer drinking hand can be painful. Voice recognition worked for me after my operation to do most things i needed. Pretty much useless for developing though.
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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#9 by fanthom » 02 Apr 2012, 04:25

My arm is curing pretty fast... - especially that it was a lame April fools joke :P

Thanks a lot for your support guys :)
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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#10 by Hamza » 02 Apr 2012, 07:56

Stupid but Amazing :)

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#11 by brokenman » 02 Apr 2012, 12:17

(slaps forehead)

Why do i fall for these things every year? :crazy:
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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#12 by XmnemoniC » 02 Apr 2012, 12:24

fanthom wrote:My arm is curing pretty fast... - especially that it was a lame April fools joke :P

Thanks a lot for your support guys :)
I knew it. :lol:
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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#13 by bigbass » 02 Apr 2012, 14:08

Hey fanthom

I am very happy to hear that you are ok :)

I confess that I got suckered by the April fools day

but wait what about these ... Here I brought you some flowers :Rose:
NOT!!! :P


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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#14 by crashman » 02 Apr 2012, 14:44

Heh fanthom

I let myself be fooled :fool:

fanthom puts all of the queue :beer: :crazy:

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Re: Porteus 1.2 delayed by at least few months

Post#15 by francois » 02 Apr 2012, 23:17

brokenman wrote:Damn. Take it easy and recover. Damage to the beer drinking hand can be painful. Voice recognition worked for me after my operation to do most things i needed. Pretty much useless for developing though.
Given the circumstances, brokenman had the most deepful words. I could not write something better. :ROFL:
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