Porteus can use Salix repo but how do they differ?

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Re: Porteus can use Salix repo but how do they differ?

Post#16 by Ahau » 19 Mar 2012, 15:58

newbody -- I wouldn't worry about this too much, we're not trying to keep you from posting. Keep in mind, the reason we have the guideline for staying on topic is not to suppress ideas or questions, it is to make our forum easy to search for other users and guests. If you are having problems getting something to work in Porteus, it's best to post each issue in it's own thread, so that others who might have that same problem can easily find your thread and the solutions in it. Your participation is welcome here.
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Re: Porteus can use Salix repo but how do they differ?

Post#17 by newbody » 19 Mar 2012, 17:10

Thanks Ahau, I take that in consideration.
I where most likely very vulnerable after the
Anti-Root preaching at Salix forum. I am too sensitive.

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Re: Porteus can use Salix repo but how do they differ?

Post#18 by brokenman » 20 Mar 2012, 18:11

To root, or not to root, that is the question.
This debate has been raging since linux was born. People are polar and passionate about it.

I always say ... Never argue about religion, politics or root.

Anti root campaign ... sounds like something apple thought up. :twisted:
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Re: Porteus can use Salix repo but how do they differ?

Post#19 by newbody » 23 Mar 2012, 19:42

Thanks yes that is a good advice. I could add "Never argue about how to raise kids" that is very sensitive subject too.

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Re: Porteus can use Salix repo but how do they differ?

Post#20 by Ahau » 23 Mar 2012, 20:09

They're only sensitive if you don't beat them often enough.
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