user guest group guest instead of group users

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user guest group guest instead of group users

Post#1 by Rava » 23 Feb 2012, 23:47

In my book, the user guest should not be in his/her/its own group "guest" but instead in the group "users".

E.g. /etc/passwd:

Code: Select all

instead of "1000:1000"

I know, Debian does it that way, too, but why put each user in its own group? This is still the one thing that irks me most with Debian...
Yours Rava

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Re: user guest group guest instead of group users

Post#2 by fanthom » 24 Feb 2012, 09:51

1000:1000 perms gives you more control over files, ie: you can add user X and Y to group 1000 but not Z.
so X and Y has access to your files but Z does not.
this scenario wont be the case when all users all in group 100 by default.

btw: Porteus is designated for 2 users only: root and guest. there are references to these 2 accounts hardcoded in linuxrc and rc.M.
other accounts may have crippled functionality: autologin wont work for them, ~/.dmrc wont be cleared so it wont be possible to log into LXDE when you are saving changes (LXDE does not recognize session named as "Default" which is saved in .dmrc file and this file must be deleted during startup).
maybe there are other guest related tweaks - can't remember now...
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: user guest group guest instead of group users

Post#3 by Rava » 24 Feb 2012, 23:22

I had no idea, but now I get it. Thanks for the heads up.

Also, I Now get why I had issues saving the changes in LXDE, and that I had to find out what settings file saves which settings and where...

Explains quite some troubles, like, a year ago. But you learn through such stuff...
Yours Rava

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