FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

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FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#1 by Falcony » 02 Jan 2011, 08:04


Place these modules to porteus/modules ... -0.1.3.lzm ... -0.1.3.lzm ... -0.1.3.lzm

for Slax Remix Old versions place this modules to slax/modules ... -0.1.3.lzm ... -0.1.3.lzm ... -0.1.3.lzm

and reboot

For creating new modules 007-devel.sq4.lzm are reqired

How to use:

Screens avalaible at

Open terminal and run one of following commands:

slax-build program

This command performs the building of the new module from source, using the repository

crux-build program

This command performs the building of the new module from source using the ports repository CRUX (

arch-build program

This command performs the building of the new module from source using ABS ABS from the repositories and AUR distribution Arch Linux. Depending PKGBUILD not taken into account, the module begins to collect immediately.

arch-dep program

This command performs the building of the new module and all its dependencies from source using ABS ABS from the repositories and AUR)

arch2lzm program

This command download Arch Linux packages and automatically converted into a module lzm;

The above-mentioned tools for the automatic creation of modules, but the last work about the same - first download the rules for the building (Pkgfile (CRUX Linux), SlackBuild or PKGBUILD (Arch Linux ABS / AUR), then using these rules are going to binary files, and then the creation of Module lzm-module.

In the process of creating modules lzm utility crux-build and arch-dep can ask you about whether you need before making a module of its first module dependency. If you choose "y", then the first will automatically assemble a new module with the necessary programs for addiction, after which the utility will return to the building of the module the desired program.

If you are going to create many modules - please create to special Magic folders

# /mnt/sdXN/slax-data/slax-download - the folder to download the source code of programs and creating new modules - please create this directory at any partion(with Linux file system) and reboot
# /mnt/sdXN/slax-data/slax-outdir - directory for storing lzm modules created teams slax-build, crux-build, arch-build, arch-dep or arch2lzm - any partion and reboot;

BTW, you could use bulk build for mass creating and updating modules using your own lists of needed software. Please see "Bulk creation of modules" Topic in
Last edited by Falcony on 22 Jan 2011, 15:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#2 by fanthom » 04 Jan 2011, 04:49

This is very valuable info - made sticky :)
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#3 by Falcony » 04 Jan 2011, 09:32

And one important thing -

inside each module created with these tools already have information regarging depencies in file


and description in file


This information of are used by packet managing utilites - lzm_add

For detail of please see ... duleFormat
and ... _utilities

This is simplest solution and not best one

I think it have no sense to use centralized database of depedices which download and store at Live FS - this is solution hard and required special people - team who responsible only for creation of modules and repositories adding, deleting and maintaining package databese. This is VERY TIME consuming matter - and I see we here do not have enough resources to maintain such complex thing.

So my prposition

Let each package creator include all nessesary information inside each lzm module.

This solution do not reqired centralized repository management but provide reliable informaition to "cloud" package manager.

Take in the mind these consideration:

1. name of module
2. description of modules
3. version of module
4. creator information - name or nick and e-mail address
5. list of depends
6. links to repositories where depends avalaible
7. minimal version for each depends
8. list of conflicts
9. list of included modules(as some of creator of modules like to include to module several programs - but package manager have to know about installled software)

So client tool for managing modules in my consideration have to be simple -

1. Download module
2. Activate module
3. After activation see information for depends, links to repositories and conflicts
4. Proceed download nessairy depends or ask user to deactivate some modules(if confilct)

Could you be so kind find time for thinking of standaritzation of modules?

It is not nessary to use my format of packages which store information /var/cache/fidoslax/

Please create your own standard - which module creators have to follow. And this standard of lzm modules should have no any relation to Slackware

Or else we will have similar situation as Tomas M have with a users modules - good and best Live distro itself and bad and even worse and sometime unworkable user's modules

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#4 by att » 04 Apr 2011, 09:32

Is it possible to create 64bit modules out of Fidoslax stuff too ?

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#5 by Hamza » 04 Apr 2011, 16:37

Is it possible to create 64bit modules out of Fidoslax stuff too ?
Looks at : FIDOSlax 64


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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#6 by att » 04 Apr 2011, 18:46

By the way, I tried to look at Fidoslax-64 too, but could not find anywhere a download for the Fidoslax-64bit-ISO (or Install-TAR); I only found the 64bit-modules.
Any help... ?

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#7 by Falcony » 13 Apr 2011, 12:17

I do not upload 64-bit as it not ready yet

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#8 by brokenman » 14 Apr 2011, 01:14

I've been thinking about package management for a while now and have already created MANY modules for official release of 32bit. I have used the standard slackware /var/log/packages with only two changes. PACKAGE LOCATION: was changed to PACKAGE CATEGORY: and i added a DEPENDENCIES: line. This will help making conversion of slackware packages easier.

There is a mother.index file on server that contains the info from every module on the server. So far i have only used modules that require no dependencies (while i play around with dep resolution).

You've done a great job with your package management Falcony! It looks solid. For Porteus i was hoping to resolve dependencies for a module BEFORE it is activated. This could be done by the package manager downloading and referencing the mother.index file. This means a strict system for module creation must be followed which will slow down development of modules, but will result in all modules working correctly. I have a few scripts for converting existing slacky packages. I'll have a closer look at your system soon, there are elements there that are very clever.
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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#9 by brokenman » 08 Jul 2011, 14:04

I have now added the FIDOslax repository functionality to the next version of Porteus Package Manager. In this next version 1.1 users can download and convert any modules from this repo.
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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#10 by Ahau » 08 Jul 2011, 14:56

Brokenman, that is awesome!!
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#11 by Falcony » 03 Aug 2011, 07:33

@brokenman ,

Could I have 1.1 vestion of PPM?

I am interting in.

May be I add one more FIDOSlax repo with modules without conversion.

Posted after 21 hour 21 minute 37 seconds:

I started filling FIDOSlax repo on googlecode with new and fresh modules builded on Porteus 1.0

New extention for new moduless now is *--0.1.5--.xzm

Lists see

It will appears soon after builds ends.

I begin from sections "Games" on

Using SlackBuild and source and automatic upload to googlecode

Of course not each appplication will build and works after boulding but it will be automatic :)

Bulk build is useful tools but no warranties - check of modules have to be manual - you know L)

Posted after 21 hour 10 minutes 29 seconds:
Builded 62 xzm modules from section Games

Begin building section "Python" и "Perl"

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#12 by fanthom » 03 Aug 2011, 08:52

very nice Falcony :)
i'll probably do the same with 64bit repo: gonna setup queue for sbopkg and rebuild all packages at each new Porteus version.
currently i have 150 modules in the repo so it shouldn't be a big problem :)

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#13 by Falcony » 25 Aug 2011, 09:10

Yes, it will be very nice from you.

We need as much as possibe fresh and up to date modules as possible.

Posted after 1 hour 19 minutes 5 seconds:
Finished with Phyton and erl modules

Begin building xzm library modueles from "Libraries" Sections

Posted after 21 hour 25 minutes 57 seconds:
Builded for "Libraries" section 261 libaries modules

Total number fresh xzm modules is 505: ... nloadCount

Posted after 1 day 1 hour 25 minutes 8 seconds:
Finished with Developmet and Audio sections:

Begin building xzm library modules from "Network" Section

Total number fresh xzm modules builded from all sections is 702: ... nloadCount

Posted after 2 days 19 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds:
In "Network" section builded 168 modules

Total number of XZM modules is 866

Posted after 6 hours 14 minutes 30 seconds:
Builded section "Office" with 22 xzm modules

LibreOffice 3.4.2 included ... nloadCount

Begin building "System" section

Posted after 23 hours 30 minutes 49 seconds:
Total number of modules 1129

Begin "Multimedia" section

Posted after 5 days 21 hour 46 minutes 17 seconds:
Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 1573

Posted after 2 days 18 hours 7 minutes 7 seconds:
Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 1780

Posted after 7 hours 53 minutes 35 seconds:
Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 2068

Posted after 22 hours 39 minutes 35 seconds:
Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 2149

Posted after 2 days 18 hours 7 minutes 35 seconds:
Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 2157

Posted after 3 days 3 hours 59 minutes 22 seconds:
Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 2183

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#14 by Falcony » 01 Sep 2011, 12:58

Many polular modules added.

Total number uniq xzm modules in repository = 2207

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Re: FIDOSlax tools - easy way of creation your own modules

Post#15 by brokenman » 19 Sep 2011, 02:09

Sorry Falcony i missed your original post about sending PPM. I stopped working on porteus for while while i finished a little studying. Porteus becomes a obsession and i don't get anything done so i had to just make myself put it away for a bit. Should be finished study in the net few days and will polish off the PPM and send it right to you.
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