LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

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LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#1 by Rava » 06 Feb 2012, 22:35

Ddunno if this is the right place here, since it is as valid for the x86-64 than it is for the 586er version...
Please move my post to a better place if this is not the perfect one....

My issue:

Which font do I need to choose when I use UTF-8 and the DE (German) Keyboad layout (I choose the nodeadkeys variant at one time)
I know I need to choose the right font at the

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"Please choose a font for use in console mode" 
part of the LST, but I have issues to get the solution via searching the Porteus forum, and my search-fu also failed with google...

Any hints? Any ideas?
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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#2 by Hamza » 07 Feb 2012, 17:49

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setxkbmap de

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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#3 by Rava » 07 Feb 2012, 21:22

But I get asked at one time by LST which console font I should use.... AT least there is one more German Porteus user in here, I just forgot his user name... Maybe he knows...
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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#4 by Hamza » 07 Feb 2012, 21:30

Every LST issues goes to fanthom.

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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#5 by Rava » 07 Feb 2012, 23:01

Hamza wrote:Every LST issues goes to fanthom.
Is there a sub-thread for LST questions?

Writing him a PM might help me solve my problem. But having a thread about that will also help others that might come after me to find the solution by just searching the forum...
Yours Rava

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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#6 by brokenman » 07 Feb 2012, 23:08

How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.

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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#7 by fanthom » 08 Feb 2012, 09:34


i have never checked it before and seems that choosing the font is not enough.
please use 'autoexec=unicode_start' cheatcode and you should be set.
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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#8 by Rava » 08 Feb 2012, 21:13

fanthom wrote:i have never checked it before and seems that choosing the font is not enough.
please use 'autoexec=unicode_start' cheatcode and you should be set.
You mean... I don't need to run LST, or let it run, but choose nothing when I get the "Please choose a font for use in console mode" part?

<feels like a noob when it comes to system font issues> *facedesks*
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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#9 by fanthom » 08 Feb 2012, 22:36

choose 'lat0-16' as suggested by brokenman.
donet forget about 'autoexec=unicode_start' cheat.

we had plans for dropping this function from LST but i think we could leave it as at least one user needs it.

please add 'unicode_start' function to gtkdialog version of LST. it should be ok to do it through /etc/rc.d/init.d/ script which would be run at the end of rc.S. no 'autoexec=' cheatocode will be necessary then.
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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#10 by Rava » 08 Feb 2012, 23:56

fanthom wrote:@Rava
choose 'lat0-16' as suggested by brokenman.
donet forget about 'autoexec=unicode_start' cheat.

we had plans for dropping this function from LST but i think we could leave it as at least one user needs it.
So, it's me again gettingthe special treatment ... I start feeling embarrassed due to that. xD
fanthom wrote:@brokenman
please add 'unicode_start' function to gtkdialog version of LST. it should be ok to do it through /etc/rc.d/init.d/ script which would be run at the end of rc.S. no 'autoexec=' cheatocode will be necessary then.
What would I need to add into /etc/rc.d/init.d/ ?
So far, no such file exists, so I could not look into it and could have found a comment telling me what to do...

(Yes, I prefer tweaking my system instead of needing more cheat codes at startup.)

Verfasst after 1 hour 10 minutes 32 seconds:

So, you two meant "lat0-16.psfu", righto?

Another question
LST did make the largest download after it asked what I wanted as language in KDE... but I don't want to have KDE at all...
So it seems there is much potential to get rid of in the resulting module that LST created...
Any hints of what can be removed when zou don't want to use KDE at all?

Next question:
Are these errors in the terminal LST opens

Code: Select all

cat: /opt/porteus-scripts/language-selection-tool: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/wrklst/.fatansw': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/wrklst/.fat': No such file or directory
fatal errors?

Last question
Are all 2,781,663 bytes in 227 files in /usr/share/i18n/charmaps really needed?
I presume most could be deleted since my system won't use many of these...
Yours Rava

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Re: LST issues - UTF8 + DE/German - which console font?

Post#11 by fanthom » 09 Feb 2012, 00:31

What would I need to add into /etc/rc.d/init.d/ ?
a) unpack your locale module to /tmp/lst
b) run following commands:

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mkdir -p /tmp/lst/etc/rc.d/init.d /tmp/lst/etc/rc.d/rcS.d
cd /tmp/lst/etc/rc.d/rcS.d
ln -sf ../init.d/
c) save this:

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# setup unicode in console

if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
as /tmp/lst/etc/rc.d/init.d/
d) pack your locales module back
So, you two meant "lat0-16.psfu", righto?
yes, but you can skip .pfsu suffix.
make sure you have 'setfont -v lat0-16' in /tmp/lst/etc/rc.d/rc.font
Any hints of what can be removed when zou don't want to use KDE at all?
download kde module manually from here: ... tion-Tool/
extract it and then remove the same content from your locales module.
Are these errors in the terminal LST opens
they are harmless i guess
Are all 2,781,663 bytes in 227 files in /usr/share/i18n/charmaps really needed?
probably not but it was easier for me to include them all in generated module than creating another question which would confuse users even more.
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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