Version 2.0:
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Upgraded Porteus base system v2.1, 64 bits, Linux kernel 3.7.8
I2P version
L2TP/IPsec VPN support included
Upgraded Libre Office 4.1
Upgraded Firefox 21.0.0 with Flashplayer
Privoxy 3.0.21 integrated with Firefox
DNScrypt system upgraded to 1.3.3
Minor system tweaks
Generic video drivers for greater hardware compatibility
Skype version 4.2
Google Talk
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Upgraded Porteus base system v3.0.1, 64 bits, Linux kernel 3.14.15
Upgraded OpenVPN 2.3.2
Added SoftEther VPN and helper scripts
Added TOR controlled by Vidalia 0.2.21
Added Bitmask 0.8.1
Added Bleachbit 1.6
Added Ecryptfs Utilities
Added Olive 1.0.16
Added Popcorn-Time 0.3.7-1
L2TP/IPsec VPN support improved [NetworkManager, Internet Security Tools]
DNScrypt system maintained at 1.3.3
Upgraded Libre Office 4.3
Upgraded Firefox 37.0.1 with Flashplayer and IcedTea Java plugins
Skype version 4.3
Google Talk
Expanded English, Chinese, and Arabic Laguage (sic!) support.
Java Runtime Environment 1.70_71
Privoxy 3.0.21 integrated with Firefox (routing for Tor, I2P, and Olive)
Python 2.7.5
Generic video drivers updated.
Veracrypt 1.0e file encryption replaces Truecrypt
I never ran MOFO, not any version. I just wonder, are there compatibility issues between sharing modules between version 3.0 and 4.0, since it uses a different underlying Linux userland, as in Slackware/Porteus for 3.0 and Ubuntu for 4.0? Has anyone of you tried to use MOFO modules for 4.0 with a RUNNING mofo 3.0 or tried using MOFO 3.0 modules with a running MOFO 4.0?</curious Rava is:curious>