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Same or not same

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 05:12
by Jack
gnsu or gksu Do they do the same?

Same or not same

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 05:55
by ncmprhnsbl
it was used in porteus a couple of versions back, when there was some problem with gksu..

Same or not same

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 06:27
by Jack
I have this file and I want to use for another Desktop but I don't know what to do with these.

Code: Select all

## Create symlinks
ln -sf /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.fluxbox etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
ln -sf /usr/sbin/lxdm usr/bin/lxdm
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu usr/bin/gksu
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu usr/bin/gnsudo
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu usr/bin/ktsuss
[ ! -d opt/porteus-scripts/xorg ] && mkdir -p opt/porteus-scripts/xorg
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu
ln -sf /usr/bin/spacefm opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/fmanager
if [ "$SHARCH" = "64" ]; then
[ ! -e usr/lib64/ ] && ln -sf /lib64/ usr/lib64/
#mv usr/bin/slock usr/bin/slock-binary
#ln -sf /opt/porteus-scripts/xfce/start-slock usr/bin/slock
#chmod u+s usr/bin/slock-binary
#for a in `find usr/share/icons/hicolor -type f -name "xfce4-panel.png"|egrep -v "16x16|22x22"` \
#`find usr/share/icons/hicolor -type f -name "xfce4-panel-menu.png"|egrep -v "16x16|22x22"`; do
#         b=${a%/*}
#         c=/$b/porteus-button.png
#         rm $a
#         ln -sf $c $a
#ln -sf /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/porteus-button.png usr/share/pixmaps/xfce4_xicon.png
#ln -sf /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/porteus-button.png usr/share/pixmaps/xfce4_xicon1.png
#ln -sf /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/porteus-button.png usr/share/pixmaps/xfce4_xicon2.png
#ln -sf /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/porteus-button.png usr/share/pixmaps/xfce4_xicon3.png
#ln -sf /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/porteus-button.png usr/share/pixmaps/xfce4_xicon4.png
#rm usr/share/pixmaps/gcolor2/icon.png
#ln -sf /usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/48/gcolor2.png usr/share/pixmaps/gcolor2/icon.png
These are the ones in question but no sure about them all.
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu usr/bin/gksu
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu usr/bin/gnsudo
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu usr/bin/ktsuss
[ ! -d opt/porteus-scripts/xorg ] && mkdir -p opt/porteus-scripts/xorg
ln -sf /usr/bin/gnsu opt/porteus-scripts/xorg/psu