Porteus & Gaming: Can Neverwinter or Royal Quest Be Played?

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Porteus & Gaming: Can Neverwinter or Royal Quest Be Played?

Post#1 by jimwg » 10 Jun 2015, 19:04


I searched for a gaming on Porteus topic but couldn't find, so apologize if I missed it! My question is is it possible to play Neverwinter or Royal Quest on Porteus? I know Eldevin can be which is as nearly complex as those two. Any hints or fixes much appreciated.

Jim in NYC

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Re: Porteus & Gaming: Can Neverwinter or Royal Quest Be Play

Post#2 by francois » 10 Jun 2015, 20:26

It is possible, see:
https://www.slacky.eu/slacky/Installare ... ter_Nights

You will have to translate the setting instructions in English. Courage!
Prendre son temps, profiter de celui qui passe.

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