Anyway, my Linux travels led me to Puppy Linux and many other minimalist distros, until I found this one a few days ago.
I'm always an avid Puppy Linux LxPup Retro Precise 5.7.1 (you get the idea) fan and user. It is my main OS. But I have to say I like Porteus a lot. I came to the site and and created a stack of builds on CD and began perusing the operating system for the first time last night. I am particularly pleased with the XFCE desktop environment. I created a build with each of the desktop enviornments available, but I like the XFCE the best. I have never used it before.

Now, the only problem I have with Porteus is the same problem I have with Puppy. No one it seems can help me solve the mystery...
I use a Dell Latitude D531. It's an oldie but a goodie and someone gave it to me recently completely refurbished. The only problem I have with this machine is that for some mysterious reason it will not connect to the Internet when the machine is booted from the hard drive. With Puppy, I can boot from CD or USB stick, use Frisbee, and boot up and connect very quickly and stable. But when booting the machine from the hard drive, the machine doesn't even detect the connections. Frisbee goes completely dead. This has baffled me ever since I have gotten this machine.
And it's the same with all the other Linux distros. Booting from CD, can connect. Booting from hard drive, ain't gonna happen.
But now, with porteus and this particular machine, it can't connect to the Internet no matter what. With Porteus, it cannot connect from CD, hard drive, or USB stick. Figure that one out!
I don't get it. But I think it has something to do with this old machine. Too old? Insufficient drivers? I dunno. I think the only reason it works so well with Puppy is that Puppy is created specifically for older machines.
Porteus works outstanding with my old Toshiba machine however. I will be using that to get more familiar with Porteus in the coming days. I really love this OS!
Meantime, party on!