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use hp deskjet printer

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 14:36
by jlora16

I am using the HP Deskjet 2050 and I can not print documents created libreofice. I know if I need a module to use my printer in Porteus.

I count on your help thanks ...

Re: use hp deskjet printer

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 17:26
by wread
Are you using 32 bits or 64 bits distribution? For 32 bits there is an HPPrinting package posted in the forum. For 64 bits you can try using the compatibility module to make it work.

Saludos :)

Re: use hp deskjet printer

Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 16:42
by francois
There might be also the universal printing solution (quite compact):