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How to setup access to a Windows shared folder
Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 01:04
by Tawny
Setting up access to a shared Windows folder was pretty straight forward in Slax, but maybe not so much in Porteus. I have Samba loaded and have been playing with configs, but have had no luck hooking up with the shared folder. Is there another application that simplifies this process? I've gone to the Samba website and read the doc files, but there is loads of info there and I'm, for the most part, overwhelmed. Any assistance with this would be appreciated.
Re: How to setup access to a Windows shared folder
Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 02:10
by brokenman
The latest v1.2rc2 has zeroconf which should sniff your shares.
Alternatively you could mount the share with cifs
Code: Select all
sh /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start
mkdir /mnt/pc
mount.cifs // /mnt/pc -o user=MyUsername,password=
I've typed this from memory and can't start my winserver right now to test. Pretty sure this is it though. is the ip of the winbox and sharetest is the shared folder. Username is windows user and password you should know. Also from memory a password is required.
Re: How to setup access to a Windows shared folder
Posted: 03 Jul 2012, 01:16
by Tawny
Thanks Brokenman, I used your suggestion, but still unable to see the Windows share folder in Porteus. Is there anyone on here actually using samba with Porteus? I just can't understand why it does not work.