[SOLVED] Cyrillic UTF-8 symbols and fonts in groff

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White ninja
White ninja
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Joined: 29 Mar 2023, 16:12
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[SOLVED] Cyrillic UTF-8 symbols and fonts in groff

Post#1 by baloontravel » 05 Aug 2023, 16:05

It would be nice to have smaller alternative to latex when run from RAM.

Looking for more complete and ready solution.


slackpkg install groff perl woff2
slackyd -g fontforge
installpkg /var/slackyd/fontforge*.txz
Cyrillic fonts from https://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/sources/
wget -P fonts --no-check-certificate https://mirrors.ctan.org/install/fonts/tempora.tds.zip
Font installation script from groff mom site
cd fonts
unzip tempora.tds.zip -d tempora
cp install-font.sh tempora/fonts/type1/public/tempora/
cd tempora/fonts/type1/public/tempora/
sudo sh install-font.sh -s -F Tempora -f +R Teinstmpora-Regular.pfb
-s if your distribution has /usr/share/groff otherwise -l if /usr/local/share/groff
repeat similar for bold italic bolditalic +B/+I/+BI
To use font family at the begining of the document must be:
.ds FAM Tempora
Groff can use only pfb fonts but install-font.sh can convert and install other like otf ttf.
Groff module that supports UTF-8 cyrillic convertion to pdf with font Tempora.