BaCon the classic basic language to a compiled C app
Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 00:33
BaCon converter
main official website
some more apps you can compile
I use the nick big_bass elsewhere
My first post so I want to say that Porteus is the best live cd I have used in years
all 32 bit pre compiled with source code included
this installs bacon as a package
BaCon-0.26 and HUG .79 slackware 13.37 packaged 32 bit version ... 2_PORT.txz
bacongui dev tool IDE with syntax highlighting ... 2_PORT.txz
dependency ... -1_SBo.tgz
I compiled this and packaged it for Porteus but it will work on any slackware 13.37 based
just making it even easier for anyone who wants to get started quickly
with menu entry in development
making BaCon couldn't be easier
UPDATED geany version
***********************extra power**********************************************
BaCon could use any editor but I hacked geany to add Bacon keyword highlighting
and added the ability to compile BaCon apps within geany without any command line options
so it makes getting started very easy
One thing you must do is install the geany package first I compiled on Porteus from the slackbuild
so you get the official ---->any geany package would work if you already have geany ... -1_SBo.tgz
Second then install my hack which declares all of the BaCon keyword highlighting
and allows the inside geany compile with the compile icon 8) ... 7_PORT.txz
**The reason I didn't hack the geany sources is that is no picnic and the way I did it will work for any version of geany since it works with configuration files that are read after compile time
main official website
some more apps you can compile
I use the nick big_bass elsewhere
My first post so I want to say that Porteus is the best live cd I have used in years
all 32 bit pre compiled with source code included
this installs bacon as a package
BaCon-0.26 and HUG .79 slackware 13.37 packaged 32 bit version ... 2_PORT.txz
bacongui dev tool IDE with syntax highlighting ... 2_PORT.txz
dependency ... -1_SBo.tgz
Code: Select all
installpkg bacon-0.26-i486-2_PORT.txz
I compiled this and packaged it for Porteus but it will work on any slackware 13.37 based
just making it even easier for anyone who wants to get started quickly
with menu entry in development
making BaCon couldn't be easier
UPDATED geany version
***********************extra power**********************************************
BaCon could use any editor but I hacked geany to add Bacon keyword highlighting
and added the ability to compile BaCon apps within geany without any command line options
so it makes getting started very easy
One thing you must do is install the geany package first I compiled on Porteus from the slackbuild
so you get the official ---->any geany package would work if you already have geany ... -1_SBo.tgz
Second then install my hack which declares all of the BaCon keyword highlighting
and allows the inside geany compile with the compile icon 8) ... 7_PORT.txz
**The reason I didn't hack the geany sources is that is no picnic and the way I did it will work for any version of geany since it works with configuration files that are read after compile time