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OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 21 Mar 2022, 11:02
by neko
[Example Kernel 5.17 OverlayFS ISO]

OverlayFS ISO has Restriction of specifications
1. The "EXIT" of cheatcode "changes=EXIT" will be ignored.
That is that "changes=EXIT" is same as "changes".
2. The "activate/deactivate" command is provided as disabled or incomplete.
3. Activated XZMs during booting can not be deactivated.

OV.Porteus-LXDE-v5.0rc3-x86_64-k5.17.iso (436 M)
md5sum: 48f78c3310e198cca5245414497e0ffe OV.Porteus-LXDE-v5.0rc3-x86_64-k5.17.iso

OV.Porteus-LXDE-v5.0rc3-i586-k5.17.iso (432 M)
md5sum: f9c3d25084fe1e2631084326d3b4382e OV.Porteus-LXDE-v5.0rc3-i586-k5.17.iso

Web browser:......firefox (en-US) 98.0.1

This initrd.xz is an integrated initrd.xz that can be used for both AUFS and OV.

This module is required when using the "activate/deactivate" command for temporary use in OV.
It can be used only at startup by specifying the cheat code "load=overlay".


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 25 Mar 2022, 01:20
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.16.17]

== Prepare ==
1. "Kernel Builder" that is more recent version than 22.03.24-1
Please refer to the first article of "Porteus Kernel Builder".

2. Built OV kernel (64Bit 5.16.17)
OV.5.16.17-64bit.tar.xz (64 M)
md5sum: 3f4e1756b231a75ea5516b1fe380dcc1 OV.5.16.17-64bit.tar.xz

== Perform ==
1. expand "Built OV kernel" tar on "Kernel Builder" work place.

2. GUI menue --> System --> Kernel Builder
Please refer to Porteus Kernel Builder (Post by neko #87498)


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 28 Mar 2022, 10:16
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 32Bit/64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.17.1]

== Prepare ==
1. "Kernel Builder" that is more recent version than 22.03.24-1
Please refer to the first article of "Porteus Kernel Builder".

2. Built OV kernel (32Bit/64Bit 5.17.1)
OV.5.17.1-32bit.tar.xz (58 M)
md5sum: bba3d39bc916d6084b005700826439f5 OV.5.17.1-32bit.tar.xz

OV.5.17.1-64bit.tar.xz (62 M)
md5sum: f651e43abae7446525dc6223e6bace0d OV.5.17.1-64bit.tar.xz

== Perform ==
1. expand "Built OV kernel" tar on "Kernel Builder" work place.

2. GUI menue --> System --> Kernel Builder
Please refer to Porteus Kernel Builder (Post by neko #87498)

If you want to disassemble the ISO, insert internal replacements, and assemble manually,
please refer to the first post in this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 04 Apr 2022, 03:19
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 32Bit/64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18-rc1]

== Prepare ==
1. "Kernel Builder" that is more recent version than 22.03.24-1
Please refer to the first article of "Porteus Kernel Builder".

2. Built OV kernel (32Bit/64Bit 5.18-rc1)
OV.v5.18-rc1-32bit.tar.xz (59 M)
md5sum: 71498d244e57c9538ba2d17b2c4d5e88 OV.v5.18-rc1-32bit.tar.xz

OV.v5.18-rc1-64bit.tar.xz (62 M)
md5sum: 78c09db1830dc3c8fa550ac0f03d5981 OV.v5.18-rc1-64bit.tar.xz

== Perform ==
1. expand "Built OV kernel" tar on "Kernel Builder" work place.

2. GUI menue --> System --> Kernel Builder
Please refer to Porteus Kernel Builder (Porteus Kernel Builder (Post by neko #87498))

If you want to disassemble the ISO, insert internal replacements, and assemble manually,
please refer to the first post in this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 09 Apr 2022, 14:06
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 32Bit/64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.17.2]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 11 Apr 2022, 22:01
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 32Bit/64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18-rc2]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 18 Apr 2022, 05:04
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 32Bit/64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18-rc3]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 05:08
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18-rc4]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 27 Apr 2022, 19:17
by beny
hi neko with the Aporteus sorry but boot hang on the change root from the initrd to the real system but start with the old kernel 5.17.2,seem the aufs patch have trouble to manage the upgrade of the kernel version,but good work,thanks

OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 11:25
by neko

1. kernel 5.18-rc4 (without patch)
The Kernel of Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (md5sum: 58d4347e59ed2275ca1d4e0499825570)
was update to 5.18-rc4 (without patch: OverlayFS) by "Kernel Builder".

UP.Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (365 M)
md5sum: 57c7b5769af813355daa4290287fcfea UP.Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso

This ISO boots OK.

2. kernel 5.17.2 (with AUFS pacth)
The Kernel of APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64.iso
(refer to ArchLinux packages manager for Porteus (Post by neko #36689))
was changed to 5.17.2 by "Kernel Builder"
using kernel Built by Blaze
(refer to Porteus Kernel Builder (Post by Blaze #87701))

[5.17.2] <-- NEW : "All patches" patching was done.
64bit-ALL-kernel5.17.2.tar (~120 M) ... 5.17.2.tar
cda2418e10f3c2e18f560ff4f2cfd59f 64bit-ALL-kernel5.17.2.tar

(1) expand kernel 5.17.2

Code: Select all

% su
# pwd
# ls
# md5sum 64bit-ALL-kernel5.17.2.tar
cda2418e10f3c2e18f560ff4f2cfd59f  64bit-ALL-kernel5.17.2.tar
# tar -xf 64bit-ALL-kernel5.17.2.tar
# ls -1
# rm 06-crippled_sources-5.17.2-64bit.xzm 64bit-ALL-kernel5.17.2.tar 64bit.config
# dXZM 000-kernel.xzm
# mv 000-kernel/lib .
# rm -fr 000-kernel*
# ls -1
(2) The Kernel of APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64.iso
was changed to 5.17.2 by "Kernel Builder".

(3) make available "activate" command.

Code: Select all

 # pwd
# ls -1
# dISO UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64.iso
# dINIT.zstd UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64/boot/syslinux/initrd.zstd
# ls -1
# sed -i -r -e "s/ACTIVATE=/ACTIVATE=YES/" initrd/init_conf
# mkINIT.zstd initrd
# mv initrd.zstd UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64/boot/syslinux/
# mkISO UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64
# rm -fr UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64 initrd UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64.iso.md5
# ls -1

UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64.iso (1123 M) ... x86_64.iso
md5sum: 9d6493c88c9681d4c370e9a7a3eb6f8c UP.APorteus-XFCE_ja-v22.04.22-x86_64.iso

This ISO boots OK.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 04 May 2022, 05:24
by neko
[Update v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18-rc5

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 09 May 2022, 00:37
by neko
[Update the kernel of v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18-rc6]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 16 May 2022, 10:32
by neko
[Update the kernel of v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 30 May 2022, 12:47
by neko
[Update the kernel of v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.18.1]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.

Note: APorteus OV version (32/64 Bit)
Please refer to ArchLinux packages manager for Porteus (Post by neko #36689)


OverlayFS Porteus

Posted: 06 Jun 2022, 10:24
by neko
[Update the kernel of v5.0rc3 Porteus 64Bit ISO with OV kernel 5.19-rc1]

Please refer to the top article of this thread.

Note: APorteus OV version (32/64 Bit)
Please refer to ArchLinux packages manager for Porteus (Post by neko #36689)
