same format all *.desktop files (organize info)
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 06:01
there is no official standard for desktops so it's time to start one that's clean and easy to read
I know its a pain to fix all the packages that's why this is a workaround without effecting the installed files
if you want to "grep out info " having it organized in arrarys first allows you find the info with
less code filters most of the problem with writing scripts is because "we start with un formatted files "
make a template of all the desktops and lets you view them in /tmp/desktops
so none of your original desktops get overwritten
builds an array for speeding up any scripts that search info from the desktop
now all your desktops will have a format and an organized template
the first line is [Desktop Entry],Name,Icon,Type,Categories,Exec,Comment,MimeType
and thats what you will expect to see when you search the desktops for info they will all follow this format
if you want to fix KDE desktops too here it is
I know its a pain to fix all the packages that's why this is a workaround without effecting the installed files
if you want to "grep out info " having it organized in arrarys first allows you find the info with
less code filters most of the problem with writing scripts is because "we start with un formatted files "
make a template of all the desktops and lets you view them in /tmp/desktops
so none of your original desktops get overwritten
builds an array for speeding up any scripts that search info from the desktop
now all your desktops will have a format and an organized template
the first line is [Desktop Entry],Name,Icon,Type,Categories,Exec,Comment,MimeType
and thats what you will expect to see when you search the desktops for info they will all follow this format
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Image Viewer
Exec=gpicview %f
Comment=View your images easily
MimeType=image/bmp;image/gif;image/jpeg;image/jpg;image/png;image/tiff;image/x-bmp;image/x-pcx;image/x-tga;image/x-portable-pixmap;image/x-portable-bitmap;image/x-targa;image/x-portable-greymap;application/pcx;image/svg xml;image/svg-xml;
Code: Select all
# make a template of the desktops regenerate all desktops to the new simple template
# removes poorly formatted desktops and creates a standard which allows later for easy reading of strings
# into an array to speed up scripts since the newly generated desktops maintain a standard format
# less commands are needed to filter data for output this is where all the time is wasted
# having to parse poorly formatted files from the start if you have organized files
# everything is fast and easy to parse the code
mkdir -p /tmp/desktops
for DESKTOP_FILE in /usr/share/applications/* ; do
while read LINE ; do
case $LINE in
Name=*) NAME="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Icon=*) ICON="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Type=*) TYPE="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Categories=*) CATS="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Exec=*) EXEC="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Comment=*) COMM="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
MimeType=*) MIMETYPE="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
echo "."
# fixes spaces in the string names by replacing them with a "+" making a correctly formatted array
echo '[Desktop+Entry]|'$NAME$ICON$TYPE$CATS$EXEC$COMM$MIMETYPE | tr ' ' '+' >>/tmp/arraytest.txt
#uncomment if you want to generate all new desktops in /temp/desktops
echo '[Desktop+Entry]|'$NAME$ICON$TYPE$CATS$EXEC$COMM$MIMETYPE | tr ' ' '+' | tr '| ' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | tr '+' ' '>/tmp/desktops/`basename $DESKTOP_FILE`
if you want to fix KDE desktops too here it is
Code: Select all
# kde version
# make a template of the desktops regenerate all desktops to the new simple template
# removes poorly formatted desktops and creates a standard which allows later for easy reading of strings
# into an array to speed up scripts since the newly generated desktops maintain a standard format
# less commands are needed to filter data for output this is where all the time is wasted
# having to parse poorly formatted files from the start if you have organized files
# everything is fast and easy to parse the code
mkdir -p /tmp/desktops/kde-folder
for DESKTOP_FILE in /usr/share/applications/kde/* ; do
while read LINE ; do
case $LINE in
Name=*) NAME="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Icon=*) ICON="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Type=*) TYPE="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Categories=*) CATS="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Exec=*) EXEC="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
Comment=*) COMM="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
MimeType=*) MIMETYPE="${LINE[@]}"'|' ;;
echo "."
# fixes spaces in the string names by replacing them with a "+" making a correctly formatted array
echo '[Desktop+Entry]|'$NAME$ICON$TYPE$CATS$EXEC$COMM$MIMETYPE | tr ' ' '+' >>/tmp/arraytest.txt
#uncomment if you want to generate all new desktops in /temp/desktops
echo '[Desktop+Entry]|'$NAME$ICON$TYPE$CATS$EXEC$COMM$MIMETYPE | tr ' ' '+' | tr '| ' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | tr '+' ' '>/tmp/desktops/kde-folder/`basename $DESKTOP_FILE`